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Three Days



Three days until my birthday... I already got one present, the soundtrack for The Empire Strikes Back. And ironically, today is my friend's birthday, he's three days older than me... :P


Anyway, I finally saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and I was pleasantly surprised. ^_^ Here's my rating; better than Temple of Doom, just as good as Raiders, and not as good as Last Crusade. (Last Crusade was my favorite of the trilogy, and still is the favorite of the series. Sean Connery FTW.)


And they tied the characters together well; I had feared that they'd brought Marion Ravenwood back for reminiscence, but she was definitely there for a reason... :lol:


Finals are approaching. :fear:


Here's a short little survey that I made up. It's also kind of a free-for-all, so feel free to submit your own answer. :P Which book trilogy (or series, or single book from a series)) should be made into a film series? My top candidates were these:


- Artemis Fowl

- Angels & Demons (they're actually already casting for this)

- Republic Commando (a movie of this would OWN)

- Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor or Executive Orders (preferably both, with Harrison Ford returning?...)


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Consider that I'm reading the second, almost ready for the third, eagerly awaiting the fourth, have the game, music, was introduced to the Mandolorian language, and already have a movie script based on it. :D



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