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My Little Rahi

ToM Dracone


For real this time. They aren't ponies, but they are little (to us, at least), and at least they're ungulates. Maha!


maha.jpg_thumb.jpg mahabduction.jpg_thumb.jpg


It would really have been awesome to see the Maha as sets in 2001. Clearly a model was designed for them, or else one wouldn't be able to perfectly replicate their structure – I'd assume they were going to be in the Master Builder Set but weren't due to a lack of Throwbot limbs therein. Anyway, I could easily see a pair of Maha sold for maybe $10 as the smallest of the Rahi – or maybe even just one for $5. You'd get a tan Toa foot and, given the year, probably light grey Gali hooks... I wonder what color a second one would be?




And the wonderfully-named Husi herder Dekami, courtesy of Dorek. The name is somehow perfect for him – thanks once again! Unfortunately I have no Husi.


Also, I have an English finaly tomorrow. I feel like I should be worrying about it, but I'm really not – we've done so little this semester and I know most the texts so well that I just feel quite relaxed about it... Plus, Brook, Youri, Ali, Leigh Ann, and I are having a pizza party beforehand. It'll be our last time ever studying for an exam together! (Not that I can really study with them, being a grade younger, but we're still in the same room...)

~ Paradise


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So what's on your butt? :P



I like the Maha. Maybe I'll go build one....

Tan Toa feet would be amazing!!!

(Note to self: get orange ones.)


Nice thing about Tohunga are that there isn't much color scheming to worry about. Yes, you could have the mask and feet match, but there are essentially three layers. (Maybe I'll go build one....)



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Not a problem. T'was refreshing actually coalescing a thought from my brain, for once. Usually I ramble.


A Maha would have been a really fun set. If not only for the partage.


I believe there are Olda Grey Gali Hooks, on the Exo-Toa, but Silver would probably be closer.


Noes, they be stealin my Maha.

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I think the horns would be better in dark grey. Do they come in dark grey? I seem to remember some dark grey ones...


And I think I like your coloring better than the official coloring. It's good to see that I wasn't the only one who thought the top of the head was a Tohunga arm...


EDIT: And is the body of the Mahi a dark grey Slizer limb (the same as on the legs)?

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The Mahi (yes, MAHI) looks just like one. The second . . . liked Nui-Rama, eh? :P



EDIT: OH, I get it! The Nui-Rama is scooping up the Mahi! I thought it was an MOC. I so stupid. :P





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Chocolate ~ Palm trees. :D And yes, tan Toa feet would be quite swell indeed... yeah, the three layers give a huge possible variety, though I find some combinations look better than others – for instance, I'm not really fond of those few Ta-Matoran who have red, black, and yellow all at once...


Bundalings ~ Yes, that's the main annoyance of building Maha...


Dorek ~ Yes, dark grey come with the Boxor and Exo-Toa, but I said light grey... silver is indeed closer (hence why I used it), but light grey is most likely given that it was 2001 and there were fewer silver parts. Nui-Rama like Maha, apparently...


Master of Ice and Sonics ~ Yes, see above, and yeah, the body is another Throwbot limb. I personally like solid tan, as in the MNOLGs, better than the grey I built, but I had to do something to work that dark grey foot in...


Kongu~Tohuga ~ They were Maha in the MNOLG, so Maha they shall remain. Plus, I can't think of anything but the fish mahi mahi when I hear "Mahi"...

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Aha! Maha!


Nice job on that, man! I've always wondered if it could actually be pieced together or if that was just Flash magic. :P

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Why is it that everything relating to 2001-2002 and/or MNOLG is so whimsical... magical... and just plain awesome? There's something there... I don't think Lego has been able to tap into it since 2003. Hmmm.
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Why is it that everything relating to 2001-2002 and/or MNOLG is so whimsical... magical... and just plain awesome? There's something there... I don't think Lego has been able to tap into it since 2003. Hmmm.

2003 didn't even have it completely. Mostly because Pewku walked straight. I'm still a bit sour over that. :P


But still, the magical, whimsical feel has been hard to match since we left the days of innocent Matoran trying to get by and entered the days of either helpless Matoran relying on Toa or gung-ho Matoran acting all macho and hard-core.

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