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Here It Comes...




Depression. I used to have it. It started when mom got cancer. I got it again when we moved to Hawaii. I was just getting over it, but now...


My life has been full of ups, but mostly downs in terms of emotion. I really don't have that bad of a life, but none of the good things seem to matter when I feel this way.

Recently I've realized how much people suck. I've never been very social, and I really only have two close friends. Those friends are now far away on the mainland, and heaven knows when I'll see them again.

So this thing started when my parents finally decided to put me in a sport: paddling. I've never been one for competition, and much less any kind of organized sport, but this is a bit much. Not because the actual paddling isn't enjoyable, but because I hate extremely dislike the people.

They put me in it so I could make friends, but if anything it's making me more distant from people, and I just...
I never want to see any of these people again, but come next Tuesday, I'm gonna have to.

And every time I tell my parents how I feel, mom just asks repetitive questions about why I don't like it and dad doesn't give a fish.


Of course I've thought of suicide, as I have pretty much all my life, but then I think of you guys, and all the nice people on the interwebs, and then I can't.

So I blame you for my still being here. =/
Thanks guys.

And besides, I can't miss BBC #50. = |



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But Bunda, you are so full of WIN! :lol: Please don't leave, and suicide is out of the question entirely. Feel free to PM me is you should so desire. :) It would appear as if you are in need of a savior...



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It happens to everyone. It's called growing up, when you realise the world is a cruel and heartless place. Just try and focus on all the good things in your life - try not to worry. Worry only makes things worse.
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