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Weekly Update - 6/6

Black Six



Greetings from your local Lego Ambassador. That has a nice ring to it, and I hope I can put the title to good use over the next year. But that aside, let's see what's been going on...



Obviously the biggest announcement was the Topic Pruning that will be starting in a couple days. I'm really glad to see a fairly positive response to this, and appreciate everyone's understanding. This will definitely speed up the server, what remains to be seen is how much it does so. With over five million posts, there's a lot of spam and old topics that are no longer needed. So I think there are enough that can be removed to help speed things up.


You may have noticed some new mini-banners on the front page recently. Something I hear from time to time from members is that they don't know when stuff is going on here, such as contests or whatnot. Currently we have one for RPG Contest #10 and now one for Member Interviews. Obviously the RPG one will disappear when the contest ends, but the other should be there for a while, and may be joined by others (how do you think a Weekly Update banner would look?). Hopefully this will make people that just may visit the front page aware of the many other things that go on at BZPower.


Finally, a couple days ago it was announced that I had been accepted into the Lego Ambassador program. This is a great opportunity for BZPower to get their voice heard. So if you ever have something you feel should be brought up, let me know and we can see how other members feel and send Lego some feedback. Since I'll be under a NDA for a bunch of the things I see, I won't be able to let you all in on it. But there should be plenty of tidbits I can let out that you'll be able to appreciate. Thanks again to everyone who supported me to give us this opportunity!



1. I just want to make things sure. So I can PM you with a request to a Member Interview this month so it counts for next month?


2. Have you ever been a wrestling fan, because I'm watching WWE Smackdown! right now and I think you'd like it.


3. What's your favorite soft drink?


4. I was a Bionicle fan before, collecting sets, et cetera, but now I just follow the storyline. I have my eye on Pohatu Nuva (2008 model) to see if I can spark my interest again. Should I get Pohatu, or do you think, in your own personal opinion, I should get another 2008 set?

1. Requests for Member Interviews can be sent from now until June 26th. Anyone who submits will be considered for the review that will be posted on July 3rd. You can only request for this upcoming one, not ones further down the road.


2. Nope, not at all.


3. Sprite.


4. Pohatu's a fine set. I like the designs of the Makuta better though, personally.


1. Why is did you change your name from B6 to 4-speed?

2. How come all the staff changed their names to be related to my little pony?

1. I'm not sure what you mean. Haven't I always been 4-Speed?


2. No they didn't. I've seen plenty staff without pony names. You're just not looking hard enough.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's about it for this weekend. As always, be sure to leave questions and comments or send me a PM. Have a good weekend everyone!


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The thing about the banners for the front page sounds great. I would really like to see one for the BBC contests when they pop up. (speaking of which, when is #50 going to start, do you know?)



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So have you decided not to prune artwork and BBC? Please?

There will definitely be pruning going on, how much remains to be seen.


The thing about the banners for the front page sounds great. I would really like to see one for the BBC contests when they pop up. (speaking of which, when is #50 going to start, do you know?)



BBCC #50 will happen when it happens.

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