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I'm Disgusted About The Mistika Bashing ...



The biggest thing that disgusts me here on BZPower and on other forums is the fact that many people irrationately bash the Mistika and there are very few people around here to keep that in check and argue against them.


To counter that, I am starting a club that anybody is welcome to join. Our goal will be to argue and defend the Mistika every time a BZPer bashes or states (if it's reasonable to argue against it).


That's all I have to say for now and I'll think of the details at some point.


Any questions? :)


Members Sign Up List:

  1. ~ShadowBolt~
  2. ~Sernakann~
  3. Bfahome
  4. -Rho-
  5. ♣Makuta's black heart♣
  6. rebooter6
  7. Midnighter
  8. matoran jala11
  9. Gravitic Ghost Rider
  10. The Last Tohunga
  11. -Evolution-
  12. Vamprah: Silent Hunter
  13. Slurpy
  14. Axalara
  15. Teragion
  16. Moi
  17. Janaro the skull reactor
  18. Commander Hothead
  19. TMNT: Half Shelled Heroes
  20. toa hordika tahu
  21. Yue Izumi
  22. Bite my shiny metal armor
  23. Tirade
  24. Toa Roman


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I dislike some things about them, but I can't stand all the "OMG THEY R SO HORIBLE!!!!".


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*May cause excessive spam about how awesome Krika is.

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I would, but the Nuva just aren't good at all, IMO.


So, are you trying to destroy all opinions that are different then yours?

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I would, but the Nuva just aren't good at all, IMO.


So, are you trying to destroy all opinions that are different then yours?

I understand. *Resists urge to argue...* :P


No... I'm trying to destroy the pointless opinions about the Mistika that are different from mine. :P Seriously, what I'm trying to do is defend the Mistika a little bit. Y'know? They're being attacked on all sides and BZPer's are focusing on the bad parts and blaming Lego for everything. What I wanna do is try to defend the Mistika and Lego.



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I would, but the Nuva just aren't good at all, IMO.


So, are you trying to destroy all opinions that are different then yours?

I understand. *Resists urge to argue...* :P


No... I'm trying to destroy the pointless opinions about the Mistika that are different from mine. :P Seriously, what I'm trying to do is defend the Mistika a little bit. Y'know? They're being attacked on all sides and BZPer's are focusing on the bad parts and blaming Lego for everything. What I wanna do is try to defend the Mistika and Lego.



I'm going to have to disagree. Any voice of discontent is ALWAYS met with ten voices telling them to hush. All complaints on anything TLG does with Bionicle end up that way. One complainer, a few who agree, and another fifty who are angry that someone doesn't like the current direction or designs.

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I would, but the Nuva just aren't good at all, IMO.


So, are you trying to destroy all opinions that are different then yours?

I understand. *Resists urge to argue...* :P


No... I'm trying to destroy the pointless opinions about the Mistika that are different from mine. :P Seriously, what I'm trying to do is defend the Mistika a little bit. Y'know? They're being attacked on all sides and BZPer's are focusing on the bad parts and blaming Lego for everything. What I wanna do is try to defend the Mistika and Lego.



I'm going to have to disagree. Any voice of discontent is ALWAYS met with ten voices telling them to hush. All complaints on anything TLG does with Bionicle end up that way. One complainer, a few who agree, and another fifty who are angry that someone doesn't like the current direction or designs.

I guess that you're right in some cases but this summer, it's the reverse. Many people are bashing the Mistika and there aren't that many people actually defending the Mistika. For example, how many "Mistika FAIL" signatures or posts have you seen? How many "Mistika Rock!" sigs and posts have you seen? Look at the amount of "complaint topics" in the GD and the Sets Forum compared to "praising" topics.


I'm not trying to tell everybody who hates the Mistika to "shut up", though that would be nice. :P Just kidding. However, I just want to disprove the irrational reasons, etc...



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I think it's reasons like "THEY FAIL!" and "They're uncreative!" and "Lego doesn't care at all!".

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While I think the Mistika could have been much better, i think they're good, and all this bashing is getting on my nerves.


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I think it's reasons like "THEY FAIL!" and "They're uncreative!" and "Lego doesn't care at all!".

Thanks for taking care of that... :P


How about we just accept that some people like the Mistika, and some people don't?


I will accept that but I won't accept the bashing. :P


While I think the Mistika could have been much better, i think they're good, and all this bashing is getting on my nerves.


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Amen, brotha! Preach it! Yeah, the Mistika aren't perfect, but the bashing is really starting to get to me. Sign me up.


Oh, and by the way, I can't find a button to track your blog.

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Amen, brotha! Preach it! Yeah, the Mistika aren't perfect, but the bashing is really starting to get to me. Sign me up.


Oh, and by the way, I can't find a button to track your blog.


Alright! Thanks man!


You mean keep it as a sticky? Well if you see my blog on the Community Blog page, there's a little grey heart on it, click on that and it'll always stay as a sticky until you change it again bye clicking on the heart again.



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I only dislike a few, design-wise...


I mean 4 jets on your body?


Think of the force that will push your torso with, leaving limbs and the head dangling. ><


Maybe I'm just too much of a realist.


Anyway, I don't think all Mistika should be bashed...


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I'll join.

I also am tired of the Mistika bashing.

Those people should keep their opinions to their selves.

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