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Kitties, Kitties, Everywhere



Riddle me this:


How would YOU like to take care of 9 cats? xP


My neighbors are currently away on vacation, so they've asked us to watch their animals:


Heidi (orange tabby I have only seen once)

Zoe (black cat that is terrified of all the other cats and constantly hides under the master bed)

Belle (patch calico - she flirts with the cats at our house)

Joey (orange tabby - head of the group, me thinks, based on his behavior)

Muffin (big ball of tabby fluff)

Fluffy (twin of the big ball of tabby fluff)

Virgil (silver tabby - brother of the two balls of tabby fluff who also happens to be an attention hog and a big ol' pig xD)

Max (orange tabby who used to be the baby but has otherwise been "demoted")

Angel (white kitten.... er, can't remember the breed - it's like the one that barely has a stump of a tail. She's currently the baby and gets all the attention from her owners)


And I can't believe they have that many cats in their house (as cute as they all are, although Joey is like RWAGHBLAGAHGRAR vicious and mean, especially if he's been inside too long. He bites a lot. :|)


Only one more day of caring for this rowdy bunch, so haha, no more crazyness or getting bitten in the foot every day. =D


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Are you saying Angel is that breed, or is like that breed? Because if she is that breed, then she's a Manx. At least, I think that's right... AAnd yes, I would like to take care of nine cats. =D

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How would YOU like to take care of 9 cats? xP

Well personally I would try to make it look like an accident but that's just me...


Seriously though, I love kittens! (If you ever meet someone who dosn't like kittens and puppies then there is something seriously wrong with that person). I don't know if I would be able to take 9, especially if one was less then nice, but I suppose that just makes you a better caretaker then me :P I hope that you are having fun with them.

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