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Is Australia A Continent?



See the news article reminded me of this...


For one thing, I definitely would not at least consider that the country Australia makes up the whole continent, since that's not including New Guinea and Tazmania and stuff but then we're also forgetting New Zealand and whatnot which according to Wikipedia is on its own continental shelf. But it's... not really recognized as a continent in any textbooks. So... what do we do about poor unclassified New Zealand?


I always thought we ought to for all intents and purposes make Oceania the continent, since that covers all the miscellaneous islands in that area, but all this stuff about continental shelves is kind of making me iffy on that one...


Still, something should be done... that section of the world is too confusingly classified. One Wiki article uses "Australia" exclusively, another has stuff split down into various permutations of "Eurasia" and "The Americas" as well as the individual North and South Americas, Africa, Asia, etc. and doesn't mention Australia once, instead using Oceania. It's confusing.


Wikipedia on the nomenclature of the Australian continent... "also called Australia-New Guinea, Sahul, Meganesia, Greater Australia, or Australinea." Hm. Yeah, I don't think they oughta call the continent just the same thing as its largest country...


Whatever will happen to New Zealand, though?


Out of curiousity, any Australians who happen to read this, whadya call your continent?


The better question is, any New Zealanders out there? What do YOU guys call your continent?




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I think that would make New Zealand an island, er, two islands. Although with a continental shelf around them, that seems iffy... and then of course there's the whole size qualification for whether or not Australia by itself is a continent, or an island like Greenland.


It's like Pluto all over again! Except hopefully Australia/Oceania/whatevertheheckthey'recalled won't be kicked out.

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I'm not saying get rid of Australia, I mean, a land mass just doesn't disappear. I'm just wondering what to do with all the islands AROUND Australia, whether the whole lot should be called Australia or some other name to encompass all of those islands...


And yes, New Zealand is Middle Earth. :P I hear Orcs outnumber sheep there 2:1.


... AA did you read my whole spiel that constituted the entire blog entry?

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I'm not saying get rid of Australia, I mean, a land mass just doesn't disappear.
Are you saying that the dwarf planet did disappear?


If you include the other islands in the continent, then you have the issue of making a cut-off point. Eventually you'll be saying that sandbars 10 feet under the ocean are part of Oceania.


Or you could go with the tectonic plates. But then there are little plates like the Caribbean and various other small ones.

"Name the continents of the world."

"Eurasia, North America, Caribbia, Philippines, Australia, Nazca, South America, Scotia, Antarctica, Pacifica, Africa, Cocosia, Juan de Fuca, India and...um..."


And New Zealand is on two plates. lol


Why are Europe and Asia separate in the current system anyway?

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I'm not saying get rid of Australia, I mean, a land mass just doesn't disappear.
Are you saying that the dwarf planet did disappear?

Well no, but it was never very large in the first place and the orbit was weird... dunno, I mean, in outer space, you can always reclassify, but on Earth, everything is usually at least associated with a continent...

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Tasmania is a state and is as much a part of the country Australia as the rest of it is, thank you very much. >:(

It's Oceania. That's it. Anyone who uses Australia should only be talking about the country. Anyone who gives another name to the continent is ignorant.

Generally, all Pacific Nations, Aus, NZ and PNG are part of this continent. But we're so awesome we don't need to belong to a continent. We don't have land borders, that's how awesome we are.

Not sure why I'm getting so riled up about this topic. Ah well.



EDIT: Huzzah!

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But we're so awesome we don't need to belong to a continent. We don't have land borders, that's how awesome we are.





I've always called it Oceania. There are a lot more islands that are considered part of the continent, so I don't see how it could just be named Australia.


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Well, see, that's just what I was wondering. :P Except I was a bit pointlessly long winded about it. Thanks, my curiosity is officially satisfied...ish...

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Australia is a landmass. My right brain says country. My left brains says continent. The left side is hippie-ish and kind, however it's overly-kind so I can't trust it fully. My right side is very logistical, but it's also using an over-American standpoint, so i can't trust it either.


So yeah, I'm going with the voice of reason created from the points at which they've collided and it's up to your opinion, just like which Dakota is the better Dakota or whether Guns N' Roses was better when it had Slash.


EDIT::: Missed what Lyg said.

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