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Metal Gear Solid 4: Review

Spoony Bard


Since my schedule is always busy (working during the day and spending weekends with Meaghan), I only had my few evenings to play the game and still get the rest I need for the next day (I didn't stay up all night like I would normally).


Played the game on Thursday, Monday, and Tuesday, and I beaten it yesterday, with 11ish hours put into it.


Because I don't wanna spoil everything, I am gonna have my review in spoiler tags.


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Metal Gear Solid 4 proved its worth after the extensive wait we endured these past few years. Game starts off in the Middle East and you have to track down Liquid aka Liquid Ocelot. Through the course of the game you end up in locales such as South America, Eastern Europe (most likely Russia), Shadow Moses (yeah game returns to Shadow Moses), and Liquid's Outer Haven (a modified Arsenal Gear). You meet up with familiar characters such as Otacon, Campbell, Meryl, Raiden, Rosemary, Mei Ling, EVA and square off against Vamp, Liquid, and even Psycho Mantis from MGS1. New support for Snake are Drebin, Rat Ptrl 01 (consisting of Meryl, Johnny Sasaki, Ed, and Johnathan), while new enemies are the Beauty and the Beast Corps, which intertwines the codenames of FOXHOUND from MGS1 and the emotions that were symbolized in the Cobra Unit in MGS3. However what tops all of this is Big Boss, which you see after the cast credits.


The gameplay of MGS4 is so much different from the previous games. First, the way to use weapons is combining L1 (to ready and aim) and R1 (to fire). R1 is also the button to use for CQC and attacks with the knife. Since I did not read the instruction manuel and assumed it will be similar to the previous games, I was totally thrown off from the start. I gradually got into the functions and got back to my usual OHKO shots (I always aim for the head, and I am darn good at it with practice from MGS2 and MGS3). Second, the Octocamo gear brings a whole new level of sneaking. Combining the elements of Stealth Camo and the Camoflauge system of MGS3, the Octocamo can mirror that of the surrounding area. There is also faceCamo, which you can have cover your face for additional sneaking rate. There are bonus FaceCamos that can be obtained throughout the game (such as a young Solid Snake face). Along with gameplay and camo going into changes, the FPS view is also changed. Instead of the traditional way in the previous games, FPS view can be selected via the Solid Eye (an item that doubles as Soliton Radar and Night Vision).


Otacon fights alongside this time in MGS4 as the Metal Gear MkII, which is a tiny robot on wheels controlled by him. This is handy to scout areas ahead of you and shock enemies. Howeve the the battery life prevents long usage of it.


The Gun Laundering System set up by Drebin is interesting. You can pretty much use any weapon you pick up in the battlefield (there are so many guns in this game), but using them comes at a price. Most guns are locked by ID chips, and Drebin unlocks them for you with point you earn throughout the missions. You can also purchase guns and customize them from him along with ammo. Unless you are good with ammo consveration, chances are you will be bulking up on ammo from him since ammo is hard to find for the gun you are using.


The music is just fabulous, and even includes remixed tracks from MGS1 during the Shadow Moses mission. The inclusion of the iPod is neat, allowing you to listen to music from MGS and other Konami related games in the background. So basically I can play through the game with the Snake Eater theme if I wanted.


One thing I enjoyed most was the references made to MGS1 specifically. The big one being the return to Shadow Moses and the B&B unit.


MGS4 ties up every loose end, even the smallest ones that were left up in the air, like Snake's "blood of the east that flows in his veins".


The only part I did dislike were the creators of the Patriots, who ended up being Major Zero, Sigint, Para-Medic, EVA, Ocelot, and Big Boss. I liked how they had it before with the Wisemen's Committee. It added a lot of mystery to the Patriots.


Considering I bought a PS3 just for this game, and was totally please with the results, I totally recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the MGS series, a fan of espionage games, or just a fan of killing people. :P


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MGS4 is one of the few reasons I want to shell out a ton of cash for a PS3. I remember MGS2 when it came out, I bought a PS2 just for it and Final Fantasy X.

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MGS4 is one of the few reasons I want to shell out a ton of cash for a PS3.

I'm reeeeallly tired of hearing that now, the PS3 doesn't cost $600 anymore, it's only $50 more than the 360 is (in Canada, at least). So stop using that as an excuse.

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MGS4 is one of the few reasons I want to shell out a ton of cash for a PS3.

I'm reeeeallly tired of hearing that now, the PS3 doesn't cost $600 anymore, it's only $50 more than the 360 is (in Canada, at least). So stop using that as an excuse.

Yeah but still is in the price range of 400-600 dollars.

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MGS4 is one of the few reasons I want to shell out a ton of cash for a PS3.

I'm reeeeallly tired of hearing that now, the PS3 doesn't cost $600 anymore, it's only $50 more than the 360 is (in Canada, at least). So stop using that as an excuse.

Yeah but still is in the price range of 400-600 dollars.

*Range of 400-500 dollars:




That's the most expensive one in the US. Unless you're converting foreign currencies to US dollars, then it might be 600.


And the Xbox I'd buy would be this, which is as I said before, only $50 cheaper.

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