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Madness, I Say!



Now I understand the huge uproar when you guys found out the Mistika were from $10USD to $13USD or whatever. $15AUD to $20AUD is criminal! And people will echo my sentiments and agree that they're not even that good compared to other years. $50 for an average sized Titan!? I DON'T THINK SO. AND when they come out. I am sickened that we have to wait so long in between sets. Why not all at once, or in bigger batches? One at a time? Huh?

If this happens in other countries (Canada, UK, rest of Europe, etc), there is not going to be a happy BZP community all round.

I understand the reasons why prices have gone up...but still...geez...




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So I saw. Move to America. Problem SOlved. Of course, then there's the problem of starting again and getting into the country... Hey! I know! Sail to Cannon Beach, Oregon, and I can pick you up! Then you can get some forged papers, get a job, then a home, then a car, and you'll be able to get the sets! Of course, you also need a ship, but I guess you could always swim... :unsure:

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Well, similar problem. I mean, you guys are probably going from $10USD to $13USD, which...gragh, that's sill way cheaper than $20AUD, lol.

Ignore me, I can't think properly, obviously. :)



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I remember when Titans were $20 over here. Now the canister sets are.


I won't be able to afford many now. $120 for the full set? No Way!





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