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I always stay up around this late.


It's called I'm 20. Woot.


But yeah, go to bed. I soon plan to. -Swert

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Oh, you'll live.


I've done the same thing again and again on various occasions. Not to say it's a good idea to do it that often, as you'll fall asleep a couple hours after the night is over, but you know.






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Well, there is a certain point where you can start losing memories, your bodily systems start acting strange, oh! and my favorite, brain damage.



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Umm... bfa? for some reason, the link to my approval is all weird, and links to a weird video.


EDIT: Okay, it works now.


Apparently, I got pirated.

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I only do that when I'm at a friend's sleeping over, and I'm usually the only one up. <=D


And I hate sleep. The only reason I sleep is because I have to. So good job...



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If you survive past 4 AM, then you've pulled an all nighter. Otherwise it's just a late nighter. Past 4, you have no hope of getting up the next morning... afternoon, maybe.



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If you survive past 4 AM, then you've pulled an all nighter. Otherwise it's just a late nighter. Past 4, you have no hope of getting up the next morning... afternoon, maybe.



6:00 and beyond.

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It doesn't count as an all-nighter unless you can stay awake from dusk to dawn, xccj.

And once I fell asleep at 7:30 AM and woke at 10 AM

So you are defeated.


All nighters usually end up with the preformer being a brain-dead zombie until at least 10 consecutive hours of sleep are acheived or you get the largest possible size of a Starbucks cup of coffee.

So bad thing.

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But did you go on BZP?

*Dramatic Music*


Woo, You stayed past 6:00.

Confirmed All Nighter!

You had to see the sunrise though, tell me you did. >>


And was it Coffee that caused it? :P



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