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About Stealing Designs. . .



Do you think the creator of the design should take action or not when someone steals a design they have worked hard on?


I don't, it only hurts the person whom steals it, and so in the process of trying to accomplish something, they have instead destroyed there work.


Please list your oppinions, I would like to see what others think about this.




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Define "steal designs" please. The way it is phrased gives it such a negative connotation. Maybe certain builders like a design so much by another member that they use it too. That does not seem to be stealing. Now, if they use the design and say it is theirs, when it most definately is not, then that is a problem, and we do believe that the origional creator should take action, or at least notify the "stealer" of what they have done. Maybe it was a slip of the mind and the stealer just forgot to mention where they got the design. But, as we said, if they claim it as their, then it is a problem.

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They need to make their own designs. Say they did like the design you had, they can keep that MOC to themselves. The only material you should post is what is yours. Unless of course if they asked.



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Well they say immitation is a form of flattery. The most annoying form if you ask me.


At the end of 06, I made this really good body design I was really happy with. Then a few days later, a newer member uses my design and says it's his/hers. I let them know that, they then deny it and say it was coincidence.



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All I do when someone steals my design is point it out and request credit. I don't mind if people steal my designs, but I do mind when they don't give credit.



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What qualifies as stealing? I built an arm, but never posted it. The Draxon comes along, and what? We've got the same upper arm design. Awkward....



Not again... Kopakalaka or I must change our avatar/banner... This be confusing.

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Well, what if someone doesn't realize that they're using the same design as you are? Is it technically stealing then? There's a phrase that goes "There's nothing new under the sun." I run into it all the time, where I might come up with a character only to find out months later that there's already a character almost exactly like that out there, whether from a video game I haven't heard about or an obscure comic book character or whatever.


My thoughts: If someone else uses your design, even knowingly, it isn't a big deal. Unless they copy the entire MoC and claim it as their own (Like on Lego.com), then there's no harm done.

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