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My Own Creation



The whole thing on custom and not custom is stupid. The whole point of a My Own Creation, is to make something you think looks fantastic. If the moc isn't visually pleasing, is it worth showing. People need to build what they think is good, and should not be restricted to the boundaries other people set. Innovation is greatness. But right now, it looks like people think custom is greatness. It isn't. Just cause a moc is custom, doesn't mean it's any good.

Mord says it best. It is a My Own Creation. It's something that you'll be proud of and want to share with other people. But you shouldn't get the mentality that other people are going to like it. Always accept criticism that people give. That doesn't mean you have to go and change your vision. That means that you have accept advice from other people. It helps you grow as a builder. I know that I would not have gotten any better had it not been for advice given to me. If you want to be better, you have to think better. You must always take pride in your work. And you should always have fun. Because that is the point of building with Lego. To have fun.



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All right. Maybe this is the end, finally, of the anti-custom fad.


This is the only post, having to do with custom-hating, that's been close to the mark.


You should have fun. Always have fun. If it's fun for you to get praise for complex creations, then do it. Don't be mad at people who don't get joy out of that. 'Cause if it's not fun, they why should they do it?


Innovation is custom. It's the essence of custom. It's imagination. It's creating something your way, because any other way just doesn't accomplish your vision. It's not using pieces in new ways. It's not being complex where you could be simple. That's fine too. I don't look down on people who do that. But you don't have to, and there's nothing that says it's better if you do.


Now, on the other hand, an MOC that's an Inika with different-colored limbs and no head. I am not going to say that that is an appealing creation. I'm not going to compliment the person who built it on their creativity in building. Now, maybe they had a great time building it. That's great. And I won't tell them they need more custom. I will tell them what I like about it, and why I like what I like about it, and from there, they can shape their own style, whether it involves custom or not. Or they can completely ignore my criticism. Because sometimes it's not about pleasing the masses. Who cares what I think, if you're having fun?


People, if you're getting burned for not using custom, ignore it. If you're using custom but getting mad because other people think they're great for doing the same, leave them alone. It's their problem. They're the ones who are spending more time doing "custom" then having fun.

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