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Weekly Update - 7/4

Black Six



Happy Fourth of July everyone! Another short update this week, for two reasons. One, it's a holiday. Two, not much is going on.



Pruning continues at its slow an steady pace. We'll get there eventually, just watch us.


The site is back up and running at full strength. This includes news, Premier Membership forms, the Set Database, everything. If you notice something we've missed though, by all means let me or another staff member know.


As part of the Lego Ambassador program, I'm supposed to act as a go-between for you guys and Lego. So while this may not be strictly Bionicle related, it may still be something you're interested in. Check out this topic to see how you can suggest ideas to Lego for the City theme. If you have cool set designs or a theme you think they should use, send it to me so I can pass it along to Lego. Hopefully there will be plenty more things like this over the next year, and I'll see if I can make some suggestions of feedback they might want; or better yet - you can tell me what you would like to tell Lego and we can try to put together a survey or something. Any ideas or questions you have, let me know, and if I think they're pertinent enough, I'll try to get them answered for you.


So I think that's about it for this week. The new sets are finally appearing, hopefully we'll have some reviews this month to showcase them.



We had some questions this week, but due to an unfortunate browser crash they were lost. *Facepalm.* Maybe next week?


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week. As always leave comments or send me a PM with any questions, thoughts, or ideas you may have. Bye all!



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I'll try to gather up some questions for you for next week B-Six ;) And it's nice to see that even the staff uses stuff like facepalm sometimes :)


I was going to write something in this paragraph, but one, I forgot it, and two, I don't know what to write here XD


Well, keep up the good work B-Six, and it's good to hear the site's back at it's full power :)

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So will you be doing the same thing for other themes as well?

That will be up to Lego. I don't think so though. That's not to say if you have ideas you can't tell me and I'll see about passing them along.

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I gots a theme for you. It is castle related.


How about: FINAL FANTASY!!!!!




I know, your all ecstatic about is as well.



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I gots a theme for you. It is castle related.


How about: FINAL FANTASY!!!!!




I know, your all ecstatic about is as well.



Or something like Kingdom Hearts or something, that would be cool.


I love reading your updates.



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