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Of Note.



Just some things of note:


- I found Animated Jazz today! He is super neat, and I love him.

- No, the Target I work for doesn't have Mistika. No, not even in the backroom. We have not even received the shipment yet.

- I cannot wait for BBC 50...

- I'm still at a loss as to how a grey MOC with a secondary of lime can have 'too much lime'. It's a grey MOC. Get over it.

- My Fourth sucked. Night before some freakin' awesome kids set off illegal fireworks behind our house (there's a large Mingo Creek drainage resevoir directly behind our house), frightening my dog. Said dog then hopped the fence in fear, and was promptly hit by a car. She died shortly after. Yeah, there's a reason personal fireworks are illegal in city limits. Kids + gunpowder = BADIDEA.

- RawrDV is angry about that one.

- New Relient K is vastly superior to older Relient K.

- Hancock is an hour too short.

- It's about time for me to start my next serious MOC. No, you haven't seen one since WereFlo.

- No, a MOC I spent six hours on isn't my best. Could this be more obvious? Six hours is like, no time whatsoever. Average DV MOC has at least twenty hours invested in it.

- No, I'm sorry, it's 9:10. Yes, we close at 9. Yes, that means I'm refusing to serve you. Have a nice evening.

- Dark Knight is going to be awesome. And not in the sarcastic way I said awesome previously in this post.

- I'm not stuck up. Stop saying so. I often wonder if people ask Colbert if his TV persona is legit. An over-the-top personality is over-the-top for a reason...

- Arrested Development is awesome. Season 2 for $10 at Target, plus employee discount is awesome.

- Haha, Slater is the host of a second-tier dance show on MTV.

- Season 3 of Transformers Animated now? Please?

- Dear National Collector's Mint. I'm not that dumb. Liberian Legal Tender isn't American Legal Tender. The Liberian Dollar is like, 57:1 versus the American Dollar. Which means this $20 9/11 coin/bill you're trying to get me to buy at $20 is worth about... 35 cents. Yeah, no thanks.

- I'm ready for school to start. I'm tired of being home.

- Pretty sure that firing an employee through a voicemail is, at the very least unprofessional, and at the worst, illegal (at least when said employee has not received a paycheck for hours worked in eight weeks). Being a 'ministerial coffee shop' is no excuse for such a behaviour. I wouldn't have been back next semester anyway, because your management style is, oh, extremely unprofessional (and by the way, being a minister of a campus organization, taking over management at a coffee shop midway through the year, and then hiring an almost entirely new staff from inside your organization, then ignoring your veteran employees isn't going to make your long-term employees long-term for, um, long).

- If Randy Jackson presents America's Best Dance Crew, why don't I ever see Randy Jackson?

- Mmm, BBC 50.

- I love you.


The end.


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Guest The Captain


Dude, sorry about your pup. Real bummer.


On a brighter note, I love you too! 8D

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Oog. Nasty week?


My suggestions:

1. Kill evil kids w/ fireworks.

2. Use more gray/lime green combinations to get people used to them.

3. Bribe Tufi for BBCC 50.







More to follow.

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If BBC 50 is invite only I'm leaving BBC. And BZP.


Sorry 'bout your dawg. Happened to me a while back.





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If BBC 50 is invite only I'm leaving BBC. And BZP.

Think about it this way. If it is, there will most likely be a distinct lack of Toamods, and that's never a bad thing, since there's waaaay too many of them.




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For real, there should be something you can do to let those kids know about what they caused. That's terrible. I am really sad, now; your dog -- and you -- didn't deserve that.


On a different note, I am hyped that someone found Jazz.

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