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On Posting, Spam And Othersuch

Tufi Piyufi


So I've been staff for... cripes, almost three years now?... And I've seen more than my fair share of spam in that time. I've been BBC staff for about two and a half years, and I had a fair stretch of time in Artwork the Whole too. As such, I've seen just about every way possible that people can spam. I wouldn't go so far as to say I've seen 'em all: one has never seen it all, and can never hope to. All the same, I've seen a lot of that sort of thing, and I may as well go on about some of 'em.


Generic Posts


These are possibly the most frustrating to deal with, as not only are they so easy to do(and thus pop up very, very frequently), but to the poster's eyes, they can appear as perfectly legitimate posts, and are thus reposted (often in almost identical form) after deletion, even though this is not something you are to do. Deletion occurs for a reason: we don't just ride into topics and lop off posts at random for the thrill of it. The thing is, they're also some of the easiest for the poster to correct: all you have to do is take a look at the MOC, pick out something you like, and talk about that. Though, this does somewhat lead into my next point:


'Nice design' does not count as a specific comment


Oh, if I had a buck for every time I've seen this. It's akin to saying 'nice MOC', it's that generic. At the very least, 'nice legs' or 'like the weapon' narrows it down a bit(though it is still very, very borderline, and I'd highly recommend that you add more to such a post), but 'nice design' really says nothing at all. So, if that's all I see, bye bye post.


'Reporting...'/'That's spam!'


You don't need to tell the whole board you're reporting a topic/post. You really don't. Likewise, you don't need to post just to tell somebody that they're spamming. All we ask is that you just report the post/topic quietly. We'll take care of it from there. That's what we're here for, after all.


'She's hot! *insert drooling*'


Not technically spam, but it fits quite snugly into the category of 'things I've seen too much of.' After all, I was a host for Contest #30 and I was still in Artwork(I think, my memory might be a bit blurred since I still spend a fair bit of time in there anyways) when the explosion of 'borderline' art hit. Now I'm going to say something about it.


Yes, there are numerous young males on this forum that are around 'that age.' That is still no excuse to let the forum descend into an inferno of hormones. We still expect a certain amount of maturity and decency from our members: topics for a female MOC or art piece that turn into little more than a discussion of her 'attractiveness' fall below these standards. Sometimes, this starts with the opening post itself. I've closed several topics for this very reason. In some cases, I- and other staff members of the forum in question- have posted warnings beforehand, but we still wind up having to close them anyways. We shouldn't have to. We really shouldn't. A MOC/art piece being female shouldn't be an unspoken invitation to scrutinize her 'attractiveness.' It's not a necessary component in reviewing female MOCs/art pieces. I could go into BBC or Artwork and do the same with every male MOC/art piece, but would I? No.


Besides, you wouldn't stand a chance with her anyways- you best just move on from that. ;)


And there we go. Some notes on what not to do. For your reading and reference.


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Amen to that sister!


Nearly three years for you... dang, time sure does fly, I remember when you were nothing more than a staff newb with Polo.

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I'm sure I've done some of thos things before... hopefully it didn't cause too much twoble for y'all. :blush:


But this is a helpful little refrence on these things... I'll remember to check back here and point people here when I need to. ^^;

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Ah yes, the differentiation of spam: few know what that means. There's so much that's spam, yet few figure out how to tell the difference; of course, the fact that there are different levels, varying from partial to complete spam posts, and even different types of spam. Alas, it's all spam.


Maybe you should add some/all of this to that one topic in BBC, but then again, would anybody read it? :P


That reminds me of one particular report from COT, which I liked so much, I saved it for posterity: "Complaining about spam is still considered spam, unless its done by the mods..." ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Nearly three years for you... dang, time sure does fly, I remember when you were nothing more than a staff newb with Polo.

Hey, now... I was staff before him: he was ST neophyte (with Tomiam) after I was. In fact, I think they might've been the ones to take the title from me. For that, of course, I am grateful. :P


Maybe you should add some/all of this to that one topic in BBC, but then again, would anybody read it? :P

I've actually been contemplating a/some new post(s) to the BBC Rules topic; haven't gotten those puffins in a row, though. I really should. Maybe get some links together, some more stuff like this... Yeah. Gotta keep the ol' Empire at its best, yanno? ;)

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Mayhaps you could do what you yourself suggested not do to make them see how annoying it is?


But that would just cause people to say 'Now Tufi, you're a GLobal Moderator! You should know better' so perhaps it would not be for the best. But oh it tears me up to know that even on the internet on sites such as this and a few other sites I won't mention I still find childishness and immaturity. I can deal with it to a certain extent, I mean in private conversations but like, out in public or in a public forum you just don't do that


Essentially I'm saying: Don't make yourself look idiotic to the public, for the eyes of the public are those that rate you, and in life your rating is all that matters.


IPB Image


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I agree with the guy who stole my colours, if only because spite is dealt out. And spite is the best way to deal with all problems. By the way, I'm considering framing your speech, there. It really is that good to see in plain english what should be well too obvious.
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And that's just a few of them. Onuki's got a complete catalogue, but here's a few others: gratitude spam (Thanks for posting, keep 'em coming!), celebration spam (Yay, page three! :happydance: ), confusion spam (Huh? What? I don't get it. :???: )...

Instructions spam is on the rise as well: "Nice! Instructions please! :begging: "


Or one of the recently popular types of spam in Comedies: PM spam. "I PMed you."

Sometimes you can feel that the rules should just be reduced to "Don't post," but that'd just defeat the purpose of the board, of course. :P



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Nearly three years for you... dang, time sure does fly, I remember when you were nothing more than a staff newb with Polo.

Hey, now... I was staff before him: he was ST neophyte (with Tomiam) after I was. In fact, I think they might've been the ones to take the title from me. For that, of course, I am grateful. :P

Ahhh, my bad. You became staff 11 days before Polo. :P

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Essentially I'm saying: Don't make yourself look idiotic to the public, for the eyes of the public are those that rate you, and in life your rating is all that matters.

I agree with the guy who stole my colours, if only because spite is dealt out. And spite is the best way to deal with all problems.

Thus '... but would I? No.' It's easy to take the immature route, sure, but it's so much better to take that effort and use it to explicitly teach people instead.


Somebody needs to bake Tufi a cake for posting this.


With special toppings of her choice.

Pocky cake. You're baking me a Pocky cake, since you brought it up. ;)


Ahhh, my bad. You became staff 11 days before Polo. :P

There you go. You may now continue to live.

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Nearly three years for you... dang, time sure does fly, I remember when you were nothing more than a staff newb with Polo.

Hey, now... I was staff before him: he was ST neophyte (with Tomiam) after I was. In fact, I think they might've been the ones to take the title from me. For that, of course, I am grateful. :P

Ahhh, my bad. You became staff 11 days before Polo. :P

Clearly, if they needed two more ST so soon after a promotion, someone wasn't doing quite as well as they expected. ;)


The last bit made me laugh.


"Besides, you wouldn't stand a chance with her anyways- you best just move on from that. "

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Clearly, if they needed two more ST so soon after a promotion, someone wasn't doing quite as well as they expected. ;)


The last bit made me laugh.


"Besides, you wouldn't stand a chance with her anyways- you best just move on from that. "

Don't think I have any hesitations about editing your sig. And eleven days isn't quite enough time to make such a decision, hn? :P


And yes, that little bit... Well, it's true: they're just pieces of plastic/markings on paper/bits and bytes. Not exactly something with which such a relationship can be formed, yanno.

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Well you never know Tufi, some people are odd that way. Afterall, on all those virtual pet websites and such, people try to wed their little virtual pets. :P
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Don't forget the off-topic spam. I mean, it isn't really the best thing for one to post all about French in a topic about the Matoran language. It can be compared to French, but I see no relevance in posting all about French. Just reminding you about that, since it seems you left it out. :)


And thank you so much, for posting this.

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Actually, I've missed a fair few things that I could just go on and on about in this post, such as posting just to point out a topic's been revived, that it should be somewhere else, or chastizing another member for doing something against the rules... Well, that's what next time's for, I guess.


And Than... true, very true. Still, don't give 'em an excuse. I write all that up for nothing? ;)

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Aw, man, do you know how many people's Roody dreams you just shattered? :P


What's really weird is when people post a legit reply in the wrong topic. Myself, I've never had enough windows open and on BZ to have that happen, but it's disorienting to see a post that's obviously replying to something else but you don't know what it's replying to... O_o


Wow, three year staffie. That's longer than I've been on BZ. Freakeh. Props for putting up with us all for three years, and cheers for another three! XD



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Wow. Nice. Someone's needed to write this up for a loooooong time. *Insert 2001 Intro Music*


Sheesh, I've had enough of just generic comments in my topics. I would rather have two good comments in each art topic of mine by two respected artists and have it die right there, rather than to have eight posts saying "LOL! 8/10!" and keep it on the front page for a whole two hours.


Oh, I also really dislike the number ratings too, because nobody breaks it down, and specifically gives you the reason they give you a "8/10". It's not like a teacher is going to give you an 80% after saying just "nice job!'.


Excuse my ranting, but I must say, I agree with you 100%.



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Well, I just got done reading this, and I think I should stop posting that I'm reporting when I do report

(Which I have done numerious times), and I will fulfill my duty on BZPower, and, as every member does,

hope o be moved to a position where I can just delete, fix, or whatever needs to be done to a spam, leet, or flame post.

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