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A Technicolor Dreamworld



I had a really weird dream last night.


It started out with me on a space mission to Mars with four others in a little spaceship. I'm not sure how, but two of the others mysteriously dissapeared one by one, kind of like a horror movie. Then we were on a small moon of some kind, with a beautiful forest on it. I was mesmerized by it all, the trees, the grass, the flowers, the birds... There was just one little problem though, I was the only one who could see it. My teammates were yelling at me to stop staring at an empty rock, but I kept telling them that it was really there, and they didn't believe me. They had to literally drag me back to the spaceship, and figured that I was probably going insane and hallucinating from being in space for so many months. As we left I heard a voice saying that I had found my hidden element, plant life.

So we went to some different places that I can't remember, but at the end I returned to the invisible meadow, and I told the others to go on and finish the mission without me, that I wanted to stay here forever... and then I woke up.


Yeah, one of the strangest dreams I've had in a while. Maybe this is what happens when you eat bad wonton soup late at night. Tha PLant Life element thing has had me pondering all day,l... but whatever, I mean, it's just a dream anyway.


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I have dreams,

but they invovle me controlling my army of lizard/human hybrids , I mean butterflies and rainbows :P

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dude........what is wrong with you and rocks and plantlife?


Rocks? When did I mention rocks?

And by "what is wrong with you" are you referring to the fact that I have crazy wierd dreams, the fact that I hallucinate inside these dreams, the fact that I spend my waking moments pondering about said hallucinations inside these dreams, or the fact that I blame all of this on bad Chinese food?



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