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So, yesterday, me and my dad brought one of our two cats, Takua, to see the vet. He has been feeling quite ill for a few days now, and we decided to bring him there to have him checked.


So, when we were there, the vets spent quite a long time checking over him and wondering what problem he suffers from. Suddenly, the vet found a sort of "mess" the size of a fist in his abdomen. He asked for another vet to come and see as well, and they both agreed that there was something rather serious in his abdomen.


In the end, the vet encouraged us to hospitalize him and after a few days, perform an operation to see what this "mess" is, and to remove it if possible. So poor Takua is now lying in a cage some 2 km away from my home, lonely and stuff. :(


Perhaps the biggest fear we have currently is that the "mess" is something caused (possibly) by cancer or FIP (Which is an incurable disease and will lead to death). Although we have done a blood test on Takua, and it revealed that Takua is FIP negative, the vets said that there's still a possibility that this "mess" could be caused by FIP. All we can do know is pray and wish that it isn't FIP and is just some sort of tumor which can be removed.


If you can, please direct a prayer for Takua. He is a poor thing, having suffered a miserable childhood before we purchased him and is a cat who is extremely loyal to those who care for him. Takua is a really large part of our family and it will break our and our other cat, Macku, heart tremendously if he deceases.


~ Bioran


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I will. I know whats it like to have love for a pet.





Bioran, I want to publically say I'm sorry for Takua.


I hope you're okay, especially since I know what just happened. -Swert

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