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Lady Kopaka


Oh gee I haven't made an entry in awhile. D;


*Shuffles through papers*


So hmm, let's see here...I went to church, ate food...I have my sister's friend basically living with us for the past 2 weeks...err... I'm doing lots of art, personal life issues...


Oh wait, here we go. :rolleyes:


I have a question to anyone who enjoys reading my writings. Would you guys prefer a short epic (probably divided into 4 long parts) cyberpunk themed Bionicle story on my two Toa, Tachi and Komas; OR that story I told yall about earlier that I've titled 'Destiny', which bluntly speaking is a human/Bionicle crossover (NOT as tacky as it sounds)? Both maybe? None?


The reason I'm asking is I don't want either to be a flop and I'd rather not like for one to get ignored. Feel free to ask questions about the two stories if curious.


So, opinions would be nice. C:


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I would like to see both, if it's not too much trouble.


I would like to learn more about Tachi and Komas, but, a human/Bionicle crossover sounds really cool.



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I'd go with the former. The latter usually doesn't work. In fact, the Great Being Grefarshtus said that doing so would cause a tear in reality that would destroy us all and cause Sephiroth to win.


Even though he already is.

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In my time, I have learned that it is possible to write several stories at once. It's rarely easy, though. Granted, though, I've never written more than one epic at a time, just epics and short stories. The trick is balancing out the two so they each get the appropriate amount of attention.


If you think you can do that with both, then go for it! :)

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I'd try to do both if I was you, but if you can't, do Destiny first. Go ahead and write both, I know from experience that it is not terribly hard, but work more on Destiny.



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Oh yikes the suggestions are very mixed. D:


Just for the record everyone, both stories have already been worked on a lot. The cyberpunk story is a 'short' epic so it's more than half way done. Destiny while a really long story already has 50+ pages on word. So I don't have to worry so much about falling behind on either, just like I said earlier I don't one to get ignored or be a flop.

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