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I finally got a blog! =D I applied for Premier membership the day before BZPower went down last week-ish (I don't actually know because I was away, continue reading to find out where). I sat bored and excited for BZPower to come back up because I wanted to blog! But then after ~3 days of boredom, I had to go to Sabattis for Boy Scouts for a week.


Sabattis was great this year. Its only my second year up, but last year it was raining and I (and everything else) was constantly wet. The water was cold freezing and for some bizarre reason, I did Polar Bear swim and Swimming Merit Badge. <<

This year was great though. It rained for an hour at one time at most while we were awake and was sunny and comfortable the rest of the time. No humidity FTW! I got 5 Merit Badges =D and just need the conference and review for Star. Also I saw a bear 4 times, and of course scaring it away was tons of loud fun. ^_^


I received my end of a trade while I was away, which was Maxilos and a bunch of gunmetal parts. I have to say Maxilos is pretty cool and poseable unlike what I thought previously from the pictures. Also getting new Lego sets and new parts is always fun. ^_^


And E3! I can't believe the one week I go away for, so much happens, but I am very disappointing with Nintendo. Wii Music could be fun, but looks like a gimmick like Wii Fit. I wonder why. :rolleyes: Wii Motion Plus is just down right wrong. That technology should have been in the Wiimote in the first place, and now you need an attachment that is a whole inch and a half long to use it? They aren't even putting it in the Wiimote? No, just no. If it was in every Wiimote instead of being an attachment, maybe it could be good, but as an attachment it is horrible. Wii Speak is another pointless accessory, well not as pointless as Wii Motion Plus and Wii Balance Board. All of these things should have been with the Wii from the start and now you have to pay ~$20 for each thing. << Also how much will Resort cost? I may have missed it, but if it is with a sleeve and Wii Motion Plus, I am assuming $50. I will not spend $50 I was super psyched for Animal Crossing, but then I realized it is still just Animal Crossing. What I really want is a MMORPG or at least a MMOG. Pokemon would be a likely and awesome candidate. So in a nut shell this is what Nintendo did. "Here are some more accessories that should have been here from the start. Here are some sales figures showing we are the best. Here are some pointless games. We will take all the casual's money to win this war and not pay attention to the hardcore." <<


Gaaah!! There is just so much to do when you miss a week of the "real world". If I miss anything major or mess anything up, just point it out. Also it is kind of hard to get back into things when you go away for a week. Like last year I stopped playing Pokemon because of Sabattis and this year posting and MoCing is hard getting back into.


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Congrats! Iv'e always wanted to go to E3... :cry:



Sabattis! I went there last year. And back in, like, 03. Saw a bear at least twice a day (some even went through our tents). And last year, one came into our camp while we were having lunch, and one of our leaders scared it away. Crazy. So welcome to the Blogo'sphere.



Wii Music could be fun, but looks like a gimmick like Wii Fit. I wonder why.


I don't understand what you think is 'gimmicky' about Wii Music. It looks like pure fun to me.


Wii Speak is another pointless accessory


First there's people complaining about the lack of voice chat on the Wii, now there's people saying a microphone is pointless.


"Here are some more accessories that should have been here from the start. Here are some sales figures showing we are the best. Here are some pointless games. We will take all the casual's money to win this war and not pay attention to the hardcore."


Um, the Zelda and Mario development teams are working on games right now, and we've had Pikmin 3 confirmed.


"So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we're still working on many of those titles, but it's just not the type of event where we'll be showcasing that anymore."


Wii Music could be fun, but looks like a gimmick like Wii Fit. I wonder why.


I don't understand what you think is 'gimmicky' about Wii Music. It looks like pure fun to me.

If Wii Music had been published at the beginning of the Wii's life, it maybe have been good. But now it doesn't look that good at all. You push buttons to play notes while you hold the Wiimote to your mouth? Yeah... Honestly I felt a little embarrassed by Miyamoto when he did that. The drums are probably the only cool part, but you need the Wii Balance Board. <<


Wii Speak is another pointless accessory


First there's people complaining about the lack of voice chat on the Wii, now there's people saying a microphone is pointless.

A microphone is needed, but not a microphone for the whole room. A head set or personal microphone would have been much better. Say your mom comes in while your in an intense fishing competition and says something very embarrassing etc. With a personal mic, it would be much better. I'm pretty amazed that Nintendo actually made a mic though. =O


"Here are some more accessories that should have been here from the start. Here are some sales figures showing we are the best. Here are some pointless games. We will take all the casual's money to win this war and not pay attention to the hardcore."


Um, the Zelda and Mario development teams are working on games right now, and we've had Pikmin 3 confirmed.


"So while attending an E3 event like this, they might be given the impression that Nintendo is no longer focusing on the games that appeal to the core gamer, in fact we're still working on many of those titles, but it's just not the type of event where we'll be showcasing that anymore."

But they announced a bunch of casual games and don't even say Mario, Zelda, Samus, etc are in the works. Also where was Pikmin 3 confirmed? I missed a weeks worth of news, so I'm a bit lot behind. =/




I think Wii Music might be fun, but requires quite a lot of accessories. And if all you can play is tunes like the alphabet song and Yankee Doodle and a few first party songs, I'm not really interested. I hope you can record your own songs too.


And Wii MotionPlus reminds me of all the other software addons Nintendo made in the past, like the flopped 64DD. :P MotionPlus might stand a chance, though, since Wii Sports is one of the best selling games (although that was probably just cause it was bundled with the best selling console). I might get one of these MotionPlus things, but only if it's needed for some super awesome game. The Wii Speak is cool too, but it might cause some privacy concerns.


Also Pikmin.





Congrats on the new badges.


I really don't know what to say about E3. I didn't pay attention to it, myself. I do agree with you on the attachments. The Mario Kart Wheel is probably what's keeping me from getting it. $50 for the game, then, another $20 for two wheels. >>



The Alchemyst


Wii Fit=Epic Fail.


You don't need a system and a Board to do some simple Yoga and exercises. =\


Seriously, do we need video games to make people exercise in these days (I shouldn't be saying anything, because I don't exercise and I'm underweight, but... >> )?


Anyway, I don't even have a Wii. :P


Lucky you. E3. Did you see any super cool people and get super cool Autographs? =D


[-The Alchemyst-]


Wait... I didn't actually go to E3. << I was saying I went away to Sabattis and missed E3. =/ I wish I went to E3 :(



Pikmin 3 yayz.


Also old entries.

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