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Old Moc Entry



(members wishing to join the Club should look at this entry)

This entry is for MOC Club members to post older MOCs of theirs that they feel didn't get enough criticism. Some rules:

-Only one post per member that contains your old MOCs. Please update it frequently
-Deeplink all pics
-If the MOC was posted on BZP, don't link to the topic, just link to the post.
-When reviewing an older MOC, include whose MOC it is you're reviewing (i.e. @whomever: review)
-Same rules as the WIP entry apply.

Rules will get updated as problems arise.



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Well, here's my Ehlek revamp. Out of the two pages of replys, the only bad thing was the red axles. (More or less.) So other than get rid of the red axles, what do you think?

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Hm, how does one join this club?


You can PM me a resume containing your b-shelf. I'll add you if you want. This entries meant for discussing Older MOCs.

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@Leechy: Hmm, yes, other than the red axles, he is pretty good. He seems empty near his torso, though.




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@Veq: Tied for third, didn't they? Anyways, I like the humanoid's torso, though it looks a little skinny in the middle. I'm not too fond of the other one. It's got way too many spikes and stuff, and it looks a little jumbled.

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@Veq: Tied for third, didn't they? Anyways, I like the humanoid's torso, though it looks a little skinny in the middle. I'm not too fond of the other one. It's got way too many spikes and stuff, and it looks a little jumbled.




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Lokos nice, Distorded. The Hau seems a little stout, though.


Tohu looks really good. Mouth seems to come out too far, but it's a better job than I could've done.




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This was my winning entry for Ca'gerrin's Self-Moc contest. I don't think I ever got any comments on it. Probably because I didn't make a topic....



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@Distorted: I remember that Hau. It looks a lot like the Kanohi mask. Good Job.

@Kopakalaka: Nice. Great color layering. I can understand why it won.

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@ The Alchemyst: The Ram: Its good. The colour scheme is well spread out, and the overall look is good. How ever I don't like the Visorak feet on the upper legs. They look a bit out of place there. The weapon is simple but good.

Mantax: Very nice. The colour scheme is good and ditching the grey was a good thing. I realy like the pincers and the torso. Both are very well done. The only things I don't like are the Rahkshii feet, but that's just personal opinion. I always find them ugly. It's a good MOC overall.


@((Primus)): Void: A very good creation. It is very visually appealing, as wel as being custom. The tentacles give it a nice feel and the wings are very good.

Juggernaut: Good. The head is well done. The torso looks amazing and so do the upper arms. The weapon is very nice. The only problem I have is the left lower arm which looks too skinny.

Rorak: Very nice, one of the better Rahi I've seen. The overall construction is well taught out and appealing. My favourite part about it are probably the wings.

Orahklas: Besides it being a MOC of one of my best friends on BZP, it is great. It's well constructed but the lower arms seem to be too big. The colourscheme is well balanced but perhaps could use an extra silver piece or two on the torso. The upper arms are very well done.

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@Primus: Void:Love it. The chest design is nice, but it's really hard to see (All Black MOCs are... >>). I like the wings. Are the Ball Joints on top supposed to be the eyes? They look like eyes, and if they are, they don't fit the spooky dark feeling of it. :P

Juggernaut: Love that weapon. The Right Gun arm flows, with the bulky top part, but the other lower arm is...wimpy. I think putting two of the Piraka armor would have been better with a (o+o) plate between each armor and the straight axle. The waist, I dislike. It shrinks rapidly, and looks real funny. The Chest and Eyes are great, love the use of the Bohrok Shield. The upper legs are good, but it also seems too skinny for the rest of the MOC.


Rorak:It took me a while to find the head. Although the head's jaw is wonderful, all the gray, silver, white and pieces makes it seem...cluttered to me. The head is also abnormally large, I think, compared to the rest of the body. The Body is wonderfully designed, I like how you added a Rhotuka shooter. The wing-pieces looks good. The Nuva armor sticks out a bit too much on his shoulder though.


Orahklas: I really like the upper part, the Torso and the upper arms. They are sleek and work beautifully together. The Lower arms look funny because of the Nuva armor, they stick out, once again. The Lower Torso looks a bit skinny. The Legs seem long, but I like the touch of the chain.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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@Zevrahn: Strikes me as somewhat blocky, reminiscent of Konames style. I think the rahkshi heads could be replaced with something different. There's a sensory overload that comes with looking at this. You included too many types of blue. Narrow that down if you can. I'd also add some depth to the feet.


@Xydaiac: I'd shorten up the left arm, and try to bulk up the head, but other than that it's really good.


@Xel: I like the transparent red as a detail color, but I would've given him red eyes. And I like the use of the bohrok foot as a lower leg.


Anyway: Candle


Steam-Punk Willie


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Hapori Tohu

This was my BBC44 entry and my first successful fusion MOC. It got a mediocre amount of posts and I would've liked a little bit more feed back. Note: I upgraded his torso and reduced its fragility, but it doesn't look physically different so I didn't bother taking new pics.


I have some more but I'll add them later. :)


If I want to review another person's MOC do I have to edit my post and write it here? Or do I create a new post?

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@ Pointy-Haired Boss: Since yours was the last post, you could've included it there. Or you could review them after I post this. But, you can create a new post anytime you review someone else's MOC.

Speaking of which, I really like the use of the gears. Also, the lower legs have a really nice shape. The lower arms are a little short, and I don't really like the use of the gears there. It would be nicer if the shoulders were higher. The gears behind the head don't really remind me of HT, and I don't really like how they look. The upper torso's really blocky.

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@ Prophet: Your candle MOC is a nice concept creation and you've utilized all those hip joints very well. I think it would be better representation of candle though, if you had made the body of the candle white, and tried to somehow show it in the process of melting. Perhaps more piece variation would help achieve that goal.


Shroudspawn, is very imposing MOC, the borok head really suits it nicely. However, the placement of the silver slizer foot and other piece (I have no idea what the term for it is) obstructs the head. I recommend removing the slizer foot or at least the other part and moving the head forward. The color distribution is very well done. The shoulders look kind of blocky and I don’t like the upper arms design.


@ Primus: Thanks for the clarification. I chose the gears behind HT's head because I wanted them for their yellow/orange coloring, and I felt that they fit my rendering of HT. They can easily be changed though. I guess it really more matter of opinion on which gear is more aesthetically pleasing. Yeah I don't really like the blockiness of the torso my self. That’s why I game him a cape to cover up his back. Do you have any suggestions for building fusion torsos? Torsos are the parts of MOCs I find most difficult to construct. I can never get them in quite the right shape.


My favorite part of Robocop is his torso. You integrated the cordak blaster seamlessly and it adds a lot to his butt kicking demeanor. Nice touch with the barraki eyes as "police lights". What's the deal with the "horn" on the back of his head? It seems unnecessary and doesn't add anything to the MOC, I recommend removing it. His legs and arms seem short compared to such a large torso; perhaps you could give them an upgrade?

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Phazon mutation was my entry in UBBC#50. It didn't make it past the prelims, even in such a small contest. The topic got about 8 posts. I think it needs some more attention, despite that posting it here might not do much.


Also, These two characters were built during the Blackout from Hurricane Ike. They're topic got only one post. It died today.






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