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Yay, A Blog!



Cool, I have my own blog now. Too bad it'll only last a week :(...


I really want Premiership...

The trick will be secretly getting the money into the mail without my parents knowing...


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Heh, my parents don't even know that BZP exists let alone the fact that I purchased lifetime premier. Of course, I'm 18, a legal adult. Makes it a bit easier. ;)


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Heh, my parents don't even know that BZP exists let alone the fact that I purchased lifetime premier. Of course, I'm 18, a legal adult. Makes it a bit easier. ;)


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva :infected:


*points at age* lucky. Now to go post my long second entry...

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Make it look like ur gonna send a letter to a friend (its better if the friend is out of state), make a BZP letter, and a letter to your friend just to cover up the BZP one.

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I just asked my mom to do it for me via PayPal.... :unsure:




sending 35$ to people I've never met is a nono with them.


but your other idea was brilliant. Put no stamp on it, then make the return address the same as the sending one. Or if they have to be different, then make one address to one and one to another...

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I just asked my mom to do it for me via PayPal.... :unsure:




sending 35$ to people I've never met is a nono with them.


but your other idea was brilliant. Put no stamp on it, then make the return address the same as the sending one. Or if they have to be different, then make one address to one and one to another...

It won't work at all if there's no postage. The mail man wouldn't even bring it to the post office. They'd leave it in your mailbox and your parents would likely see it when they next checked the mail.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Well, then mebbe I can steal a stamp from another thrown away letter or something...

Can't use an already used stamp. You know the squiggly lines that they stamp over a stamp?(:P) That's so people don't reuse 'em.

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...I hate the postal system <_<

Why? Just becuase they make sure nobody can cheat them or steal their services?


Not a very good reason to hate them. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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The problem, K-laka, is that whenever my mom sends a birthday card or any other thing to someone else, she goes right to the post office, gets the necessary stamps there, and sends it there.


On the off chance she does have extra, she keeps them in her purse, which she always takes with her everywhere, unless she's at home...


Hm... an envelope, I could get. A stamp, I might be able to get ahold of. The trick'll be getting it out to the mailbox - which is possible. So, then if everything works out, I could have premiership by the beginning or middle of August...

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