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The Challenge



So, for any who have paid any attention to this blog, you should know that I am holding a challenge for MOCers/MOCists that have been nominated by other members. The following MOCists/MOCers are able to participate in this Challenge (In no particular order):

Toa Ausar
Luz Cero
Elemental Rahaga
Draco Cyanopterus

Anyways, the Challenge is as follows:

Build anything that you would like (i.e. a freebuild). But, there is a restriction: The MOC(s) must only contain two colours. And they have to be specific shades of the colour. So, an example colour sheme would be Metru (dark) Red and Black, but not Metru (Dark) red, red, and black. Same goes with other colors with multiple shades (like blue, green, yellow, brown). Plus-rods, pin-axles, and pins can be any colour (so blue pin-axles are okay). Also, Toa Metru Heads (and hordika necks) which only come in grey are also an exception. But Eye colors are not exempted. Ball joints will also be exempted from the two colour rule. Please look at comments 14 and 17 for further exemptions.

Prizes will be put in another entry.

How to submit your entry: I would like to keep this contest as "popularity voting" free, so the entries need to be PM'd to me before you make a topic for the entry (if you so choose). I will not include the name of the entry in the content block they will be put in, they shall be named by a number instead. Also, this number shall change daily, and the order of the entries in the box shall change daily (or as soon as I can change them) In the polls, they shall also be denoted by number, which will not change. After you PM me your entry, I shall PM you back saying you can go ahead and post a topic for the entry (if you so choose) and I will give you your number for the poll. More information on polling will be posted at a later date.

Some more Rules:

-Entries must follow all BBC rules
-Entries may not contain Colored/modified pieces
-Entries can be 50-50 System to Technic/Bionicle ratio
Rules may be updated.

Deadline: You all have a month to make your entries. So, the deadline is August 21st (it may change if I'm not able to get on). Also, if all entries are turned in before that date, then polls shall be started sooner.

Any questions that the entrants have may be posted here. Comments posted by non-entrants will be deleted.

As the current situation with the blogs makes it difficult to find this by looking (and I doubt you have this blog favorited), I shall PM the entrants notifying them that the challenge has been posted.



Recommended Comments

Is this a one-time challenge? If not, can I enter other challenges as well, without needing to entrer this one?



Yes, this is a one time challenge. I will hold other contests, but not other challenges. If you don't want to enter, fine. Then don't. But if (and that's a big if) I do hold another challenge, you'll have to get nominated again for it.


I'm slightly confused: Are we allowed to use any color ball joint? I.E. using lime joints with a red and blue colorscheme.



No. That exemption is for people who have only black ball joints and want to have a colour scheme that has no black eleswhere. To my knowledge, ball joints come in one of five colours: Black, Light grey, Red, Lime Green, and those odd Galidor ones ('Cause Galidor's a colour, apperently). So if you have lime green ball joints on a red+blue MOC, I'll DQ it, because I can be almost positive that you have a different coloured ball joint (i.e. red or black). That goes for any colour scheme. Also, if your MOC contains Dark red and some other colour that isn't red, you cannot use red ball joints. You have to use black ones. Same goes for Green and Grey. If you're not using Lime green or Light Grey in your colour scheme, don't use those coloured ball joints on your MOC.



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Ok, so black joints can be used no matter what the colorscheme is? Gotcha.








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I know that I said in the PM that I could enter, but I can't. I have used almost all my good parts up, so there's really nothing I can do to make an extra good MOC.




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I know that I said in the PM that I could enter, but I can't. I have used almost all my good parts up, so there's really nothing I can do to make an extra good MOC.




You actually keep MoCs together? Wow, grats to you.


Anyways, I'm most likely going to be entering extremely soon. Seeing as I'm moving in two weeks.




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Well, don't forget to remove that Ice blue and the gunmetal.

@Kaji: As much as I dissapointed in hearing that you won't be able to participate, I am amazed that you're able to keep MOCs together for an extended period of time. I find that doing that diminishs my supply of pieces greatly. I only usually have three or four built at a time.

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Name: Nu

Gallery: Here

Entry Topic: Here




As much as I don't want to, it looks to me like you have three colors (white, light grey, dark grey). Unless you can prove to me otherwise, I'm going to have to DQ this enrty for the time being. As I did not specify in the rules that you could not modify your entry after you submit it, you may remove one of the colors and resubmit it, if you so choose.

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No, I don't keep my MOCs together. I usually right after Iøve posted them. I just mean, that I use a lot of pieces on one MOC, and then have not much else for others. I don't have that many pieces, you see...

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Where is there light grey? Other than axles, which I find impossible to make a creation without.



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