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Ah, Ninja Puffins

Tufi Piyufi


What a fantastic concept indeed. And they're all mine, too. Get yer hands away from my ninja puffins.


And here's some now. Well, just three ninja puffin doodles, really. There's also a guy with a hat, a ninja puffin sword, random shark-thing, and a bit of Orthano going 'huh'. Still, there are ninja puffins in there, and that is what is important.


That is all.


(man, Othie looks baffled)


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Nothings? Well, it would be suitable... "We were not here, we didn't do anything and no one saw us do it."

Or, if that doesn't go through: Puffinja. Stress on the second syllable.

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The ninja puffins rock, but what's almost as funny is the Google banner ad that comes up for this blog entry... "US.penguingroup.com - check out all your favorite Penguin books." Seems Google needs a primer on the difference between "Puffin" and "Penguin".

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The ninja puffins rock, but what's almost as funny is the Google banner ad that comes up for this blog entry... "US.penguingroup.com - check out all your favorite Penguin books." Seems Google needs a primer on the difference between "Puffin" and "Penguin".

Unfortunately, this is hardly an isolated incident (see #5) See, this is the kinda stuff I have to deal with all too often (well, when the subject comes up, in any case). Penguins aren't suited at all for ninja work. Puffins... well, they can fly. All good ninja can fly.


And no fancy names for these guys. Just ninja puffins. Simple, to the point, no confusion whatsoever. Especially given the ads they seem to attract.


For crying out loud, puffins.

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