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Weekends Go In Flash Huh?

Lady Kopaka


NOOO! Sundays almost over. ;_; It goes by awfully fast huh? Oh well, I can have fun watching Star Trek tonight.


Well let’s see, congratulations on getting the Blog of the week Turakii, ye deserved it. Oh yeah....I accidentally deleted a page in PM box that had a lot of PM's that I think I didn't reply to or read yet, so if you guys sent me something in the past few days and didn't get anything, remember it was the delete buttons fault. And also, sorry for me not updating and not being on that much. I had a misunderstanding with my dad last night and nearly got grounded from the computer for a week, I didn't do anything wrong(Not to sound like I am good :P), he just thought I disobeyed him when I didn't....So yeah, glad that got sorted.


Well, I have ONE more block to add, but I might change/delete that one showing my songs on it. *Shrugs*


Oh yes, I have decided to embarrass myself and follow the fad....


Say hello dear!


Barbossa: ....


Oh come on, say something!


Barbossa: Aye, I be havin' nothing to say!


Well umm, give him awhile, unlike the very talkative Larry, Barbossa is rather annoyed that I dragged him on here. :lol:


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I'm really sorry. I haven't been commenting on your entries. :( I have been reading, though.


Well let’s see, congratulations on getting the Blog of the week Turakii, ye deserved it.

Thanks a ton, Senorita of Ice! :happy:


Well, I have ONE more block to add, but I might change/delete that one showing my songs on it. *Shrugs*

Why would you do that? That's a might interesting song! Also, it's good to have a lot of content blocks. It keeps people scrollin', and scrollin', and scrollin'...


Oh yes, I have decided to embarrass myself and follow the fad....


Say hello dear!


Barbossa: ....

You sure you haven't confused him with Kopaka? :P


Well umm, give him awhile, unlike the very talkative Larry, Barbossa is rather annoyed that I dragged him on here.

Larry's not very talkative right now. He's making popcorn for his next movie. (I haven't got around to telling him it's not coming out until November.)


I'm hoping you get Blog of the Week very soon, LK! Your song block alone is enough to make people give you a 5+ rating.




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Well, now I am curious. How long did it take you to calculate the countdown for Pirates III?


This weekend did go by fast for me too, I haven't gotton to play MP:H (Metroid Prime Hunters or Miles Per Hour :P ) as much as I wanted too. *Sigh*



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I just read your song. The only problem is, when you have the Aussie accent, people in America think it's British. I'm serious, they do.


The weekend sure did go by in a flash, but I finished the work just in time for school (two days...ugh). You lucky home-schooled kiddo.

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