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Tell Me What You Don't Like About Me

Queen of Noise


Do you not like me, hate me, or find fault with things I do or have done?


With whatever means you most prefer (leaving a comment here, PMing me, IMing me, et cetera), please explain why so that I may strive to improve or rectify any misunderstandings.


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Stop gorging in ice cream.




You'll be happy to know that I've actually stopped to a large extent. Sure, I still enjoy some cherry vanilla here and there occasionally, but I've gone from ice cream to salads. I cut sodas almost entirely out of my diet too! ~Smeag

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You took windzordued's quote out of your sig. :(


Which one? The conversation between wind and waasti and I where wawa was licking me?


I do miss that quote being in my sig... ~Smeag


No, the "O_o o_O O_o o_O" one.


… which is kinda how I feel after reading that… ._.

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You bit off Frodo's finger. :(


If I find something else, I'll let you know. :sly:




But...but...I saved middle earth! ~Smeag

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You close topics and adminsiter disciplinary action as necessary, in short, you do your job.


And you dislike that about me? ~Smeag


No, but apparently the members running around in the "Is the staff mean?" topic, labelling you as such, do.

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Actually it's the fact you WON'T GIVE ME TOA GRIM.


Actually it's the fact that you tend not to see the EXTREME AWESOME that you radiate. Glasses FTW.




The thing is, I'm surrounded by people whose awesomeness far exceeds mine.


And good lord, if you want the thing so darn much I'll dig the pieces out and put it back together JUST FOR YOU. v_v ~Smeag

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Guest The Captain


Answer your darn PMs :P Otherwise, you're fairly WIN


I tried to reply several times but your inbox was full. Have you cleared some space? ~Smeag

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Smeag, you are undeniably completely full of WIN. Although falling into a volcanoe of lava isn't going to give you a good day *LoTR reference =P*


I can't think of any faults, you do your job, and you do it with a smile on your face, or in most of your posts, and leave funny comments in Omi's profile which I like to read. Therefore you WIN. =D


Aww, thank you. =3 ~Smeag

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You never include me in jokes. ;; I wanna be in staffie inside jokes.




Well, the Staffers Gone Wild DVD release was going to include behind-the-scenes footage of all kinds of things, like the OmiPak and Van der Beek incidents (and groin kicks galore!), but the project's funding was cut and it still hasn't materialized. ; ; ~Smeag

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I know this is like totally hypocritical, but please:


Stop apologizing. : P









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The fact that you don't include my blog in your "imporant blog" c-block. D=









PS: Buh? You have a blog? Since when?


Since last Sunday. :P


Want a link? ;)

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What I hate about you is that I love you.


And I can't help it.




August 29th-31st is going to be one of the greatest weekends in history. <3 ~Smeag

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Your vocabulary. It makes my brain spin. :wacko:


Although it has enhanced my knowledge of the English vernacular and has made me read many literature novels.




When did I become a mini Smeag? :P


I suppose I can forgive you this time. :P


*High fives*






*high-fives back*



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The fact that you think Nikira is awesome. She's not. She's uber awesome.


Nikira is so awesome that I cannot properly express how awesome she is. She is the Mayor of Awesometown! =3 ~Smeag

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You didn't steal and ride off on that motorcycle from the Hard Rock Cafe, which would've thereby secured you as the coolest outlaw tourist in NYC. For that, you will always wear an aura of shame in my eyes. And you will never be an outlaw again. >:\


Tell you what. I'll come back and actually do it this time. Though driving it up those stairs will take some work. Oh and you can grab that 12-string of Eric Clapton's they had on display, and Andrew can steal David Lee Roth's pants. It'll be -sweet-. ~Smeag

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Because of our mind link, I gotta worry about you as much as I. Shall I never know solidarity?!


Eh, probably wouldn't like it anyway.





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The fact I believe you'll ditch me at the Virgin Store two years from now when I go to BrickFair with you and the rest of the staff.


And won't laugh when I give a weggie to Andrew.



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The fact that you think Nikira is awesome. She's not. She's uber awesome.


Nikira is so awesome that I cannot properly express how awesome she is. She is the Mayor of Awesometown! =3 ~Smeag

Better yet - she's the president of the United States of Awesome! =D



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