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Omi Is In Love.....

Spoony Bard


................which a total lie and you know it. :P


I just wanna express my love for Coca-Cola, and to a special someone. But mainly Coca-Cola. :P


If I had to choose between either of the two, well you would assume I would go for the coke, cuz who can deny the taste of the sweet elixir of awesomeness. :P


But I no decide.




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As long as it's just Coke. Because any other kind is disgusting. Cherry Coke? Pass. Vanilla Coke? Imagine your own tongue trying to evacuate. Why dey always gotta go an' mess up a good thang?
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As long as it's just Coke. Because any other kind is disgusting. Cherry Coke? Pass. Vanilla Coke? Imagine your own tongue trying to evacuate. Why dey always gotta go an' mess up a good thang?

Vanilla Coke... I have no idea what they were thinking when they came up with that.


Ah, I remember the old days when there used to be bottles instead of cans, they were awesome. ^_^

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Anything with caffiene works for me.


But you have to admit that coke in the bottle beats all cola.


And no, Omi, you don't choose the coke over the girl -- you go for the girl with the coke.

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Hey, I like Vanilla Coke, too!


Vanilla Coke drinkers unite!



2 against 1, oh no! =O


I dunno if it's just me, but bottled coke (glass) tastes better than canned ones do, maybe it's the glass or something.

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I dunno if it's just me, but bottled coke (glass) tastes better than canned ones do, maybe it's the glass or something.

It's not just you: while smaller aluminum cans preserve carbonation better than a larger plastic bottle, glass bottles don't transfer into the flavor the contents.


For instance, sample the same apple or peach (but not a strong flavor like cherry) pie recipe, one baked in an aluminum pan, the other in a glass pan.


And don't start any pie joke tangents.




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My parents only buy diet coke. Me and my sister prefer the classic coke but my parents never buy them... but I do kind of like cherry coke. Of course it's not as good as classic but it does have a kind of zing to it that I can't describe...

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And no, Omi, you don't choose the coke over the girl -- you go for the girl with the coke.

Tragically everybody I know drinks Pepsi.


Traitors...all of them.

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I dunno if it's just me, but bottled coke (glass) tastes better than canned ones do, maybe it's the glass or something.

It's not just you: while smaller aluminum cans preserve carbonation better than a larger plastic bottle, glass bottles don't transfer into the flavor the contents.

Aha, I knew it. ^_^


For instance, sample the same apple or peach (but not a strong flavor like cherry) pie recipe, one baked in an aluminum pan, the other in a glass pan.

I'll do that next Saturday, it's cooking day in the Miobech residents! =D


(OMG, you called me Miobech, it's catching in! Darn you Exo!)


EDIT: Much better. I feel like... myself now. :D

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And no, Omi, you don't choose the coke over the girl -- you go for the girl with the coke.

Tragically everybody I know drinks Pepsi.


Traitors...all of them.

Torhu speaks the truth. Every girl I know drinks that diet pepsi crud. Grosssss.



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