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Life......just Never Stops

Toa Lhikan Hordika


Well, here's how my life's gone since I last made an entry. Over all, life has gone on pretty normally until Friday.


My second oldest friend called me to see if we could hang out on Monday after my interview (I'm applying for a job at Bob Evens) for a couple of hours. By the end of this month, I'll have known him for 10 years.


I work at a party store on Woodward which is the street where the Dream Cruise takes place every year. For those of you who don't know what Dream Cruise is, it's when people from all over the country drive their older (but kept in awesome shape) classic cars to Michigan, so that they can show them off by driving them down Woodward road. It happened last Saturday (3 days ago) which sadly I wasn't able to attend. So anyways, on Friday, I had to put away a Budweiser order of over 70 cases. I had to put away Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, and Faygo orders that each consisted of over 30 cases. Needless to say, it was a looooong day.


That night, my former across the street neighbors who now live about an hours drive away picked me up to stay with them for the weekend. It wasn't just for the heck of it, it was because I was working at the annual Michigan Renaissance Festival. It was voluntary work, so I didn't get paid, but I got free admission which is about $20 dollars. I had to dress up and everything. Basically what this event is, is a bunch of people dress up in anything that looks like people may have worn them in Medieval times or about 200 years ago. People were dressed up as Knights, Gypsies, Colonists (me), and many other creative things. They have Turkey legs for 5 dollars that must weigh about 3 lbs. I got one and it must've taken me about 3 hours to eat that monster of a slab o' meat. They have many things for sale, such as jewelry, swords, bows and arrows, and paintings.


While I was there, I bought 2 lithographs that were illustrations from The Hobbit, and The Fellowship Of The Ring. Each of them was limited to 2000 pieces. The artist who drew them (Edward Beards Jr.) was there and he made them out to me personally. I had a lengthy discussion with him about The Lord Of The Rings and the glorious world that J. R. R. Tolkien created.


Aside from the lithographs, I also bought a leather wip. Don't ask why :evilgrin: .


After the Festival (which will continue every weekend until October 3rd) I came home and so did my former neighbors daughter to spend the night with my sister. This morning, we found out that she had lice. So we had to drive her home and all of today has been spent cleaning furniture by vacuuming and spraying it all. I had to call my friend and postpone our get together until later this week. I don't believe that any of us got lice, but we have to take precautions.


So, now here I am on BZPower blogging and getting ready to end this hectic day. I'll be back tomorrow after work.


Comments Welcome :) .

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Oh a medieval festival? I ALWAYS wanted to go to one of those, and arn't whips cool? I have one myself.


I be jelous. Maybe I can search around to see if any of the sort will be around for this and next year.


Well, hope your hetic day doesn't get to stressing. :) Jobs do get rather hard at times.


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