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And Tragically Violence

Spoony Bard



WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A family court judge in New Zealand has had enough with parents giving their children bizarre names here, and did something about it.



Just ask Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. He had her renamed.


Judge Rob Murfitt made the 9-year-old girl a ward of the court so that her name could be changed, he said in a ruling made public Thursday. The girl was involved in a custody battle, he said.


The new name was not made public to protect the girl's privacy.


"The court is profoundly concerned about the very poor judgment which this child's parents have shown in choosing this name," he wrote. "It makes a fool of the child and sets her up with a social disability and handicap, unnecessarily."


The girl had been so embarrassed at the name that she had never told her closest friends what it was. She told people to call her "K" instead, the girl's lawyer, Colleen MacLeod, told the court.


In his ruling, Murfitt cited a list of the unfortunate names.


Registration officials blocked some names, including Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, he said. But others were allowed, including Number 16 Bus Shelter "and tragically, Violence," he said.


New Zealand law does not allow names that would cause offense to a reasonable person, among other conditions, said Brian Clarke, the registrar general of Births, Deaths and Marriages.


Clarke said officials usually talked to parents who proposed unusual names to convince them about the potential for embarrassment.




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Mmhmm! There is a problem about naming kids at times. I did hear, from HH, someone naming her daughter Kagome, since she was a big big fan of Inuyasha. Poor girl - she may think she had a Japanese father who was never there, or worse, adopted! (You'll never know what kind of things kids can think of.)


But I had heard of funny names. There was a boy called 'Worth'. You don't need to name a kid 'Worth' to make him have value. And I knew a junior whose name was 'Jezebel'. She hated it.


Gotta tell the parents how far name creativity can go.



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My kids are going to be named Yoho and Bottlorum.




Why? Why do people do this?


I read about a kid whose parents named her something like 194y2894573822-o57u-[p435d]yvans8. Yep. They had to change it, but do you ever think to yourself, "Is evolution supposed to work like this?"

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It's a good thing someone (that someone being the Court Judge in New Zealand) is doing something about improper naming. I've seen two previous articles about babies with unusual names. One was about his parents naming their child 'Superman'. Another was about parents who wanted to name their child '4 Real' (They weren't allowed to do this due to the number '4' in the name). Actually, come to think of it, they might have been the same story, as I recall 'Superman' might have been the couples second decision. Can't recall at the moment.


They may think it's cute now, but I seriously doubt they want their child going through life having to be embarrassed by a name like '4 Real'. I'm all for names that are different and original, or mean something special to the parent (in English or other language), but there's a point where you shouldn't just name a kid the strangest thing you can think of. 'Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii' for example.

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