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All Done, Now For Back Attack



SO! Hello everyone. How've you all been? Hope you missed me, because I'm so selfish, ahaha.

Well, I my as well lay down why I decided on having the break. Emotionally I had hit an all time low, round about the same time I felt I had hit an all time low socially, which was why I was depressed. At this time I was also really struggling to keep up on my workload and I felt stressed, so I thought my time here on BZP may have been hindering it. I may have been right.

That being said, nothing has really changed that much, so I don't feel the break has helped. But I'm not unhappy at all now, and I can't really explain why that is, but somehow I guess I feel like I belong a little bit more, and that has helped. That and I've got subtle hints from someone awesome, quite possibly. Wishful thinking, I believe.

There isn't much I can say that can be a real update on my life, because as usual, nothing really has happened. I must say, I did do well in my exams, in my opinion, but I have a long way to go I reckon. We'll see.

As I touched on previously, I had my birthday a couple of weeks ago (thanks Zahaki AND Xaerez for the birthday topics, haha), and it was pretty good, I got to eat whole flounder, so woot. Yeah, I got Icarax and BL10, as I said before, and I should get BL9 soon, hopefully. I also got Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, which for me has been great theraputical music during my hiatus. Also moneys, books, and some awesome t-shirts. (Boys Don't Cry, so win!).

The only downside is I have as of yesterday, so that sucks. Ah well. *coughs*

I'll leave updating things for a later date. I can almost taste Titan Olympics, it's so close, and I've thought of a very awesome release date. Can you guess what it could be if I get my act together? wink.gif

On a final note, I believe someone has invaded my MSN...I haven't been able to get on in a few days...




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Aw I'm sorry. I really understand those feelings/emotions. Except as a girl I usually exagerate them... :P But still, I hope you can orginize your life and figure what's going on. If you ever need to rant or talk I'm always here. :)


Oooh the new coldplay cd is wonderful!

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Y'know, I've been feeling down a bit lately too, and I find that talking to people that can relate to you on certain subjects or people that know you well helps you get back up on your feet. Plus, it just feels good to know that you've been missed, in a strange kind of way. ^_^
...What I mean to say is, I'm glad to see you back. =D
And liek LK said, you'll always have friends on here, no matter what. You rock that much. :P
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