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Contemplating Getting Banned.



Yeah. I might leave Bzp for a long, long while. Clearly the lines between reality and the internet have blurred for me, and it's screwing me over. I've offended good friends on the internet thinking other people don't take things just like me- I'm clearly wrong. I may look at life in a care-free perspective, but it's getting to me and costing me friends both here and reality alike.


So yeah, I might be saying goodbye soon.


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There is a difference between getting banned and leaving BZP. If you get yourself banned, chances are you won't even gain access to your account again. I suggest just logging out and turning off the computer.



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I am sorry to hear that. But you don't have to get yourself banned. Just leave BZP for a little while, not forever. Take a deep breath and come back after a little while. But if you really want to get yourself into a load of trouble, there's nothing I can do to stop you. :(


Edit. Yeah, Omi summed it up there. Leaving BZP is not the same as getting banned. If you've hurt anybody that badly, apoligize to them, it might be hard but it will lift a great weight off your shoulders. Stay off of BZP for a bit, and just clear your head. There are other things to do besides post on the internet all the time. Try and clear things up here if anything is getting to you, and maybe talk to friend.

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*most annoying Aho-esque voice possible*


*glomps you* NO YUKICHAN NOOOO! I will snap your neck with a smile!. 8)


But seriously, just do like everyone says and pull a Ninjo, take a long break and come back when you're not crazy.


Though if you do decide to do something stupid, I'll miss ya, bro. :(

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*most annoying Aho-esque voice possible*


*glomps you* NO YUKICHAN NOOOO! I will snap your neck with a smile!. 8)


But seriously, just do like everyone says and pull a Ninjo, take a long break and come back when you're not crazy.


Though if you do decide to do something stupid, I'll miss ya, bro. :(

I wouldn't do something stupid. I really like this site and it's community- I wouldn't want to leave in a way that marked me as a jer­k. I was going to just ask if someone could close my account. But I guess Omi is right, in case I did want to come back, being banned would do me no good.


So yeah, I'll probably just leave for a year or something. I gotta clear my judgement before I end up doing something really stupid.

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If this means that TFDO is getting closed, you'll be classed as a (I don get it. Why can you say the J word and not me? Premiership, maybe?) anyways. =P 'Least I have a back up Moderator for RotT.


All kidding aside though, wow man. I agree with you. Taking some time off of BZP would be a pretty good idea. I don't mean to say that you're like freaking me out or something like that, but when you think that you might hurt someone, and that someone is your friend, then yes. Just do what Omi said.



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Ka-Chan, I am sorry for your dilema and if you do end up leaving even for the year I am sure you'll be missed here. If you feel like you have to close down TFD: O, would there be a way to appoint someone else to "own" it until a point of getting back?


If you go with the suggestion, I would suggest posting in Topic who, and get that topic closed as the first post will no longer be able to get updates. I would PM Kex, Toaraga, or someone asking if someone else could repost the topic to keep the front page up to date and for the current to be closed.


-I know that I'll sorrowly miss you as you have been a great guy in the RPG and I truly do hope that you end up coming back. (Just make sure the new owner knows what you want to do with the storyline so far, and perhaps let them control Phantom and Sleekshot until you can come back *if you do)



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Well, if you see a leave of absence as necessary, it probably is. Keeping your life going and together takes front seat.


Best of luck to ya.

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'Least I have a back up Moderator for RotT.



Now I'm curious. Who is it?

Anyways you shouldn't get yourself banned. As said before you if you just leave you'll be able to come back if you get you're head cleared. If you get banned, little chance the Mods will yet you back. Plus everyone will view you as a rule breaking noob or something.

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'Least I have a back up Moderator for RotT.



Now I'm curious. Who is it?

Anyways you shouldn't get yourself banned. As said before you if you just leave you'll be able to come back if you get you're head cleared. If you get banned, little chance the Mods will yet you back. Plus everyone will view you as a rule breaking noob or something.

Did you read the part about just asking B6 to close my account so I didn't go out as a noob? Either way, I won't get myself banned. I just need a vacation- call up a few friends, make the most out of what little summer I have left, distance myself from the keyboard, that sort of thing...

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Do what you need to, but don't take it too hard. You're the greatest guy I know, and if you've done anything to harm a friendship, I know you can mend it. You're a great person, and I know you'll make it up.
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Aw man, that bums :(

Sounds like a good break is all ya need.Hope ya get everything sorted out and take it easy man.






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Woah. Woah woah WOAH! TIME OUT.




Unless you get AIM, and use it quite often, I'm not gonna let you leave.

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