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The Ragin' Cajun

Spoony Bard


Dude, InnerRayg and I had the honor to meet Cajun, who we actually bumped into really cuz he didn't recognize us, and vice versa.


And his MOC is HUGE. Like, HUGE. Like effin HUGE.


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And thats me and Rayg. Cajun is somewhere in the store. behind us. :P


That store was mad crazy yo. You see that crowd? Thats after it slowed down. In fact, the security, or "popo" as we say on the streets had to come in. As Rayg and I were getting sets (he got some Bionicle and I got a Batman set, which Cajun had to make fun of me for that. :P). So there was this one dude in front of us. Didn't see he had much to buy, from what we saw in his hands. But apparently he had 2 huge piles of sets and cans of bricks and stuff by the counter. He even pointed it out to us as we got to the counter, however the dude was nice enough to let me go before him, since I had one set. But Rayg was left behind, like a stray dog he is.


The dude's total price was $1507 without tax (he was exempt cuz he was "special" I guess).


We also set up the Bionicle MOCs, and played with them.


And also there are lots of girls on our floor at the hotel, so that rocks too.




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A "special" LEGO fan? Any chance he was a senator? I heard something along the lines of those guys get tax breaks (because in the end they'd be paying themselves...)

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As Rayg and I were getting sets (he got some Bionicle and I got a Batman set, which Cajun had to make fun of me for that. :P).
What, BIONICLE is more mature than Batman: Batman is classic. Without Batman, there is/would be no BIONICLE as it is, as that's one of the things that helped shape comics and superheros into what they are today; granted, he has no powers. Besides, both comic series are made by DC. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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See, you met up with Cajun, saw his MOC, plus there's lots of good-looking girls around... And all you show us is a picture of you and Rayg? :huh:

You'd better prepare a huge Brickfest report when you get back, Ohm. (<- Because the shorter the nick, the cooler one is.)

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See, you met up with Cajun, saw his MOC, plus there's lots of good-looking girls around... And all you show us is a picture of you and Rayg? :huh:

Yeah, c'mon omi, this is -such- a ripoff :(


And now you're playing with kranais (and all the other bionicle mocs), what is the word coming too?

(i trust you didn't encounter any errors while building him).


*Speaking of which... I'll need to change my sig for the event*

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Wish I was there. - Phyoohrii


I suppose he was special because he was so devoted to buy all those sets. I mean come on, $1507 in sets? He'd be very popular with LEGO right now.

Cajun, you absolute legend. Period.

Yeah, more important pictures please. Like of the girls. :lol:


IPB Image

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Do you ever NOT wear those shades and that hat in the presence of Bzpower members?

and what's that thing on Rayg's shirt?

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Hope you didn't break mine if you played with it O.o


Yeah, that's a lode of money all right, even without tax... I wish I could afford to MoC like that.


Oh, and Batman rules. But Parralax could easily kill him. But not his chestplate for some reason. I think he was still weak to yellow...


~GN (Y)

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