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I got that from a funny story I heard at Driver's Ed...apparently, the principal at one kid's school made this announcement over the intercom: "We are testing the intercom. If you can't hear this, tell us."




Driver's Ed, by the way, is officially the most boring class in the world that this Raia has taken so far.




There was funnier one in the paper a while ago, but I forgot to clip it.=/ I love Zits because I'm going through all the stuff that Jeremy (main charrie, for those of you who don't read it) goes through in the strip. Plus, he spaces, like I do. I entertained myself in Driver's Ed by drawing comics in my notebook, and then by doodling some of my non-Bionicle characters on the backs of our worksheets.x3


Aaand today was the last day of band camp! Yay! And naturally, it was also the hottest day of the week, and the only day I had to be outside and march the whole time, except for the first day, when it poured rain.


The teacher at camp said 'What happens in band camp stays in band camp,' but seeing as nobody on BZP that I know of goes to my high school, I think it's safe to tell you this...


So the drumline (snare drums, bass drums, quints/tenors, crash cymbals, and the Pit) was practicing in the choir room, and we were playing along with a recording of the rest of the band. This assistant guy, who I'll leave nameless, especially since I forgot his name, turned the volume of the speakers all the way up. It was so loud from the drums that we couldn't tell though. Then one of the drummers, whose name is Patrick, pointed at the speakers. I couldn't tell what he saying (again, loud!) but when we stopped playing, I saw that there was smoke coming out of the speakers.




It turns out that they just got hot, and weren't really on fire, but you could smell it, and it was just the weirdest thing. And it was hilarious.


In other news, I eagerly await the results of the COT SS contest. Good luck to everyone else who entered!=D




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Dude, Drivers E.D. is...TERRIBLE. I took it last year. I nearly cried myself to boredom. :P But I drew lots of pictures myself and then in the end I got a pretty permit.


Smoking speakers! Kind of scary, but that's funny. xD

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Dude, Drivers E.D. is...TERRIBLE. I took it last year. I nearly cried myself to boredom. :P But I drew lots of pictures myself and then in the end I got a pretty permit.


Smoking speakers! Kind of scary, but that's funny. xD


Oh yeah, I freaked out when I saw the smoke...one of the other players said that his speakers at home did that, and they still work, but I didn't really believe him until they finally stopped.x3


You're right, permits are really colorful these days...I already have my permit, and since I'll be 16 in a couple of weeks I'll just go straight to a normal license after I get my hours/wait 6 months. I don't really mind the wait though, I'm kind of scared to drive.^^;



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I don't have to go to Drivers ED for a little bit =P


My cousin hates it though...and it brought out a creative side to him.


He drew looots of pictures in that class, and by some miracle he actually got his liscense. I will never get into the same car he is driving. :fear:

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You're right, permits are really colorful these days...I already have my permit, and since I'll be 16 in a couple of weeks I'll just go straight to a normal license after I get my hours/wait 6 months. I don't really mind the wait though, I'm kind of scared to drive.^^;



I took my drivers ED back when I was 15, so I just went ahead and got myself a permit, though I can't wait to get a license soonish, if I can find a way to afford the insurance and gas. xD


Driving isn't too scary, I was freaked out at first when I drove with my Driver ED teacher, but afterward I got used to it. It isn't so fun driving my siblings around though; they make fun of me when I get passed. :P

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