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" I Need The Chicken Shucked! "



...I asked my mom what help she needed making dinner yesterday, and that's what she said. I responded with a deadpan: "You mean corn."


"Yes, that."


So I was sent to the front porch with three ears of corn and an old Hallmark bag for the husks, complaining about the heat. Actually, it was kind of relaxing to sit out front and watch the bumblebees busy in the flowers out front. When I go outside, I get all philosophical. I started thinking about the old days, when people had to shuck their peas and peel potatoes by hand. Society today is just so fast-paced and junk-oriented. Maybe if we all had to sit on the porch and shuck corn, we wouldn't rush around so much...


Also, I was talking to one of my friends on YIM, and she challenged me to a poem war.


It's fuuuuuuun.8D


At least, if you like to write poems. Basically, one person writes a poem and sends it to the other, who rates it and then writes a poem using one line from the first person's poem. Might sound dull to all you non-writer-peoples, but for us writer-peoples, it's entertaining. Especially when the two people at war are both good at poetry.


So yeah, try it, if you like poems.


The other fun thing I discovered yesterday are pen doodles. Squee, pen doodles. I got bored, so I doodled a ginormous, adorable dog whose name happens to be Quincy, and also a failed attempt at a Kakama Nuva and a rather good eagle head. Mayhaps I'll scan 'em sometime and show ye.


Well, I have homework to procrastinate on and a birthday draw to churn out, sooo I'll just leave y'all to figure out how on earth one shucks chicken.xD




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