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Ka-chan's Stuff: Necrons And More



Well, due to the slight delay of the murder of a certain RETARDED LAPTOP this entry got delayed. But now that my friend is gone I am free to get back to writing this.


Ka-Chan's Stuff, Part Two: Warhammer 40000




The Lord of the Ulacant Necrons

I spent like, 2 weeks painting and tweaking this guy- and he still proves to be one of my favorite miniatures. He has hacked through Space Marines, Orkz, and eldar alike with equal effiency, although his one encounter with a group of Mega Armored Nobz didn't turn out too well, despite felling three of the brutes.


Behold my loyal servants of death: The Ulacant IV Necron Warriors 12 "Scarface"

While being the bottom of the barrel when it comes to capabilites, essentially being walking guns, the Necron Warriors have proved more then lethal in ranged combat. While my army has not experienced many battles, those that they have won must be owed to the warriors. These guys can still punch through basic infanty and many get right back up after being blown away in battle. They suck when it's up close and personal, though, so I keep them out of close combat engagments. But that brings me to the next bunch...


My favored servants, the Flayed Ones. 123

Grisly and terrifying, I originally used the Flayed Ones because they were the cheapest of the Necron elite units, but after one particular battle, they won my favor. I was playing against my friend's Orkz, and while I had been doing well enough at first, his warboss and squad of Nobz made began a charge through the nearby woods harboring my core of warriors- he intended to burst right through and tear my main force to pieces, and chances are he probably would. But that all changed in one swift turn when I deep-striked my Flayed Ones right in front of them as they tore through the wooded area. In one moment, the Flayed Ones had killed all 8 of his Nobz, and the warboss himself became so terrified that he fled off the battlefield. It was in that miracle skirmish that I realised how much I loved Flayed Ones.


And Big Boi himself: The Nightbringer. 23

Actually, I have only gotten to use this guy in one battle before- mainly because either the point amount was out of balance or because I didn't have the heart to field a 3/4 finished miniature. As you can see, the poor harbinger of death had lost his original arm, and I've never gotten around to painting his new limb. Really killed me when those infernal dogs decimated his original- it took me like, a month to finish that guy.


While I play Necrons, I still like to paint the miniatures, and have done a few others from different races. Take for example these two monsterous tyranids I painted for my little brother's army. Of course, then he decided to change from the Hivefleet Leviathen *Battle For Macragge Tyranids* color scheme to his own weird white/red color scheme...





I gave him this guy for Christmas back in '06 - I built him before hand, loaded him up with as many biomorphs as possible, then painted him. He also used to have a big horn on his head, but my mom messed up once and BOOM. I was never able to find the horn to glue it back on. I also started making this guy for him...




Notice how I didn't finish this guy. I started painting him back in Easter break 06' then stopped. Why? My mom screwed up while cleaning yet again. When I had finished glueing the Hive Tyrant back together again, so much paint had been scraped off that I practically had to paint him all over again, and I got sick of it and quit. I promised him I would finish it one day, though. Here's yet another one I did at the request of my brother...



2 3 4

He's older then all the rest- notice the lack of Hawk Turqouise paint on the edge of his plating. Didn't have it back then when my brother decided to repaint his nightmarish original tyranids like the ones from the Battle For Macragge. Craptastic basing for the win.



2 3 4

I painted these guys for a friend recently- I did not come up with the color scheme, but I'll say I think it's one of the more eye-catching I've come across while in the hobby.


Heh, and that's only the tip of this expensive iceberg. But if I go any father, chances are your head will explode. So I'll show you everything else about my expensive hobby another day.


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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.

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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.


Necrons= Robots who have been around way before humans thought bashing rocks together was a good idea- they are the sole remnants of a dying race who gave up their free will and bodies to their dark gods to become immortal- that's when they became the Necrons. And they're destined to kill off every other race in the Warhammer 40K universe.


That good enough a summary?

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I have always wanted to get into Warhammer, but then I realize that I'm too distractable/poor even for Magic the Gathering, and that almost all of my geek money is going into out of print RPG books and ancient cRPGs from Black Isle and the like.

Ah well. Perhaps some day. Some day . . .

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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.


Necrons= Robots who have been around way before humans thought bashing rocks together was a good idea- they are the sole remnants of a dying race who gave up their free will and bodies to their dark gods to become immortal- that's when they became the Necrons. And they're destined to kill off every other race in the Warhammer 40K universe.


That good enough a summary?


Although to be fair, their gods aren't gods, but purely physical energy beings with godlike mastery of matter. Also, one of them ate all the others.


And they got their butts whipped by the Space Elves, before the Space Elves accidentally created the Pink God Of Pleasure, who ate all their souls except for some remnants. Also, the Space Elve's mass-death caused an energy wave the cleared Earth's Warp Pathways allowing the Emperor to head out and conquer a good chunk of the galaxy, which in-turn...



Eh, you get the picture.

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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.


Necrons= Robots who have been around way before humans thought bashing rocks together was a good idea- they are the sole remnants of a dying race who gave up their free will and bodies to their dark gods to become immortal- that's when they became the Necrons. And they're destined to kill off every other race in the Warhammer 40K universe.


That good enough a summary?


Although to be fair, their gods aren't gods, but purely physical energy beings with godlike mastery of matter. Also, one of them ate all the others.


And they got their butts whipped by the Space Elves, before the Space Elves accidentally created the Pink God Of Pleasure, who ate all their souls except for some remnants. Also, the Space Elve's mass-death caused an energy wave the cleared Earth's Warp Pathways allowing the Emperor to head out and conquer a good chunk of the galaxy, which in-turn...



Eh, you get the picture.



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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.


Necrons= Robots who have been around way before humans thought bashing rocks together was a good idea- they are the sole remnants of a dying race who gave up their free will and bodies to their dark gods to become immortal- that's when they became the Necrons. And they're destined to kill off every other race in the Warhammer 40K universe.


That good enough a summary?


Although to be fair, their gods aren't gods, but purely physical energy beings with godlike mastery of matter. Also, one of them ate all the others.


And they got their butts whipped by the Space Elves, before the Space Elves accidentally created the Pink God Of Pleasure, who ate all their souls except for some remnants. Also, the Space Elve's mass-death caused an energy wave the cleared Earth's Warp Pathways allowing the Emperor to head out and conquer a good chunk of the galaxy, which in-turn...



Eh, you get the picture.




They're very pretty?

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That reminds me, I've been needing to ask you; what the heck are necrons? Because people are calling me one because of my screen name.


Necrons= Robots who have been around way before humans thought bashing rocks together was a good idea- they are the sole remnants of a dying race who gave up their free will and bodies to their dark gods to become immortal- that's when they became the Necrons. And they're destined to kill off every other race in the Warhammer 40K universe.


That good enough a summary?


Although to be fair, their gods aren't gods, but purely physical energy beings with godlike mastery of matter. Also, one of them ate all the others.


And they got their butts whipped by the Space Elves, before the Space Elves accidentally created the Pink God Of Pleasure, who ate all their souls except for some remnants. Also, the Space Elve's mass-death caused an energy wave the cleared Earth's Warp Pathways allowing the Emperor to head out and conquer a good chunk of the galaxy, which in-turn...



Eh, you get the picture.




They're very pretty?




I guess that works.

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Necrons used to shoot Lightning.


But now they can't. =3=


Well, they still spit green, atom stripping beams of death, no?

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I have a friend who collects Warhammer, he has a big army of Imperial guard figures.


But in my opinion, Necrons are way cooler. I might start collecting Warhammer, if I get my hands on large sums of moneys.

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*Looks at the above conversation and dies laughing*

You forgot to mention that some of the Space Elves stayed evil and turned into Space Orcs (Otherwise known as Orkz).


So you DID paint your Necrons purple! I was wondering if you ever went through with it.

I never knew how nice Gold looks on a/the Nightbringer.

I especially like your Tyranids.

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