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I Think They Should Save Some Donuts For Me



So I'm leaving my neighborhood. At the second stop sign, there's a bunch of kids playing around crossing the street. Playing around and taking all day... I mean it's not like there was a car waiting to go or anything. Eventually they move and I started to go, but I did accelerate a bit faster than you would normally. Okay, so the tires squealed and the engine revved when I started going. As I do this, I glance in my rear view mirror, and lo and behold -- a cop! He followed me and eventually turned down a street a few blocks away.


A sigh of relief is what my body naturally let out.


My destination was Wendy's. I was meeting my friend there. As I pull into the plaza it's in, I make a sharp left and pull right into a parking spot. It wasn't exactly illegal, but still. There was a cop about 100 feet away.


Nothing happened.


After leaving Wendy's, I was driving to an office building my friend cleans. I was going around 60 in a 45 zone, and guess who I see lurking on the side of the street! I either slammed on my brakes in time, or the cop wasn't paying attention.


But again, nothing happened.


There's a lesson here, folks. Follow all the road rules and you don't have to worry about getting a ticket. I can't exactly afford one of those right now.


Oh, and by the way, I managed to consume 45 chicken nuggets at Wendy's. Sure, it's stupid, pointless, unhealthy, and kind of disgusting. But I did it anyway.


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So this is like examples of what not to do?


Well, as long as someone is being worst than you, the cops will usually let you go. I think.



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Dont push your luck Kex. ;). I'm sure you know that though.


I'm not sure how many chicken nuggets I can consume, I never get chicken nuggets. Their burgers are so much better than Burger King or McDonalds you have to take advantage of that when you go. ;) I usually end up eating my sister's leftovers though and they are pretty good.


Oh and *wishes he could drive*

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Well, if they did pull you over, you could offer them some of your chicken nuggets. :P


I have yet to do anything questionable when police are near. But then again, I only got my permit a few weeks ago. :fear:

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Gee, I recall Wendy's chicken nuggets being good. Then again, the last time I had an order of Wendy's chicken nuggets was in 2002.
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