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Mocing Do's And Don'ts



A little list I thought up:

DO: Build a lot. Build when you have an idea. Just build.
DON'T: Build the same thing over and over and over. Repition of a design only works for so long, and isn't impresive.

DO: Be creative. Use pieces in a neat way. I don't care what piece, just use it well.
DON'T: Be a "niche" MOCer (i.e. only toamods, only rahi, only small stuff, only matoran).

DO: Try multiple different MOCing styles. Try out weave style, fusion, make your own style. Take a style and make it your own. Be unique. Always do something fresh.
DON'T: Stick to only one style. You can't grow as a MOCer if you only build in one way.

DO: Stick to a color scheme. Colors are your friends. A MOC isn't good if it has no color scheme.
DON'T: Make excuses. Ever. I don't care about your lack of parts. Change the design if you have to. Innovate. Make do with what you have.

DO: Make Toamods. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start out with toa, and work your way in other directions
DON'T: Post your Toamod and expect everyone to like it. That's just foolish.

DO: Learn proportions. Proportions are a key part of a MOC.
DON'T: Say "it's supposed to be disproportioned." If it looks good disproportioned, people won't complain about it.

DO: Review other MOCs. The more you review, the better you make yourself and others.
DON'T: Ignore other reviews. Unless it's spam. Then you can ignore it.

DO: Learn color layering and color grouping. Kinda goes hand in hand with sticking to a color scheme.
DON'T: Mix colors. Most of the time, it just doesn't look good.

DO: Build smoothly. Have flow. People like smooth. And people like flow.
DON'T: Build blocks with legs. Just don't.

DO: Copy other's designs. Learn through this copying. Learn what works.
DON'T: Call these copies your own. That's just mean to the origional designer. Also, don't be repetitive with these designs. Oh, and don't use instructions. There is no growth with instructions. Use pictures and make details that you can't really see up as you go.

I may add more.



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I'm going to have to disagree with the proportions one. Some people's only complaint about how it looks is because it's disproportionate, and they stubbornly insist on having "correct" proportions, and no matter how good the MoC is otherwise, refuse to accept it as good because of the proportions.

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I'm going to have to disagree with the proportions one. Some people's only complaint about how it looks is because it's disproportionate, and they stubbornly insist on having "correct" proportions, and no matter how good the MoC is otherwise, refuse to accept it as good because of the proportions.



Amen to most of them though.



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DON'T: Make excuses. Ever. I don't care about your lack of parts. Change the design if you have to. Innovate. Make do with what you have.



Meh, some of those are right, some aren't. It's mostly a matter of personal taste though.

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Most have good points. I'm a stickler to Proportions though, especially on Toa.


Oh, you forgot some of the most annoying ones:


DO: Try custom building, explore new styles and develop your skills.

DO NOT: Think Custom automatically makes a MOC good.


^^^Last goes for reviewers, especially^^^




[-The Alchemyst-]

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DON'T: Make excuses. Ever. I don't care about your lack of parts. Change the design if you have to. Innovate. Make do with what you have.



That is only the MOCists choice, not yours. What if they can't innovate? Some people who do MOCs only have 3 or 4 sets. And don't tell me that 'they shouldn't MOC'; they can MOC if they want to.


This is pretty much the only thing I highly disagree with you on.

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Ooh, I missed that one. o.O

KV is quite right,innovate to get rid of Blue Pins? Red Axles (for the new guys)?


I just find it hard to believe, some people can't go buy pieces in bulk, and innovation to clear up one thing is well...hard.

Some people don't have a lot to work with. =\


It's like school and tests, people work differently, so basing them on the same thing doesn't do justice.


Everyone has a different condition.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Ooh, I missed that one. o.O

KV is quite right,innovate to get rid of Blue Pins? Red Axles (for the new guys)?


I just find it hard to believe, some people can't go buy pieces in bulk, and innovation to clear up one thing is well...hard.

Some people don't have a lot to work with. =\


It's like school and tests, people work differently, so basing them on the same thing doesn't do justice.


Everyone has a different condition.


[-The Alchemyst-]

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Don't complain about not having black pins or axles, if it really mattered to you, you should be ordering some now.


I agree whole heartedly with you Prime. ;) Every bit in here is truthiness.

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DO: Be humble.
DON'T: Claim to start a fad or say you're MOC is perfect.

Even in the little bit I've been browsing BBC, I have seen several topics do the latter. AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY

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MOCing school?


Well, that's kinda what the MOC club is for. :P


Anyway, I agree. Just kinda sad, for me, that my skill is only limited to humanoids, and alike.







DO: Build a lot. Build when you have an idea. Just build.


Even though it's a Toamod, and it's someone, say, me, who gets the idea?

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MOCing school?


Well, that's kinda what the MOC club is for. :P


Anyway, I agree. Just kinda sad, for me, that my skill is only limited to humanoids, and alike.




Same here. I'm only limited to building good weaponry; I'm not so much the actual MOC.


Which is another thing I disagree with, is the niche-thing. Everyone's got thier weaknesses and strengths, just like an RPG; you can't bash your Mage because he doesn't have as high offense as your Warrior (reffering to DF :P).

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Ooh, I missed that one. o.O

KV is quite right,innovate to get rid of Blue Pins? Red Axles (for the new guys)?


I just find it hard to believe, some people can't go buy pieces in bulk, and innovation to clear up one thing is well...hard.

Some people don't have a lot to work with. =\


It's like school and tests, people work differently, so basing them on the same thing doesn't do justice.


Everyone has a different condition.


[-The Alchemyst-]

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Don't complain about not having black pins or axles, if it really mattered to you, you should be ordering some now.


What if people have absolutely none of those in black, and cannot order said pieces, and their MOC is unjustly criticised for it?

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If you have blue pins and red axles, build red and blue MOCs. Even if you have only four sets, you can still build something that's good (even if the only four sets you had were any of the Misitka or any of the Phantoka. Odds are that you have a larger amount of either, blue, black, red, grey, or silver). Do what you can with what you have. I'm not incredibly against blue pinaxles (considering I only have ~20 black ones, and it's a pain in the butt finding them), but cover them up. I was talking more about the colors of limbs and such.

Also, about the "Niche" thing, I stand by everything that I said. You're good at weapons? Fine, build weapons, but also build other things. I don't care if it's the worst humanoid ever built, and least it's a step in another direction. From there, you'll get criticism (I'd be glad to review it), and then you can improve. And Kaji, if you're good at humanoids, build humanoids, but branch out. Build rahi. Build digitgrade humanoinds. Build Vortixxes. But there is very little growth when you build Toa over and over again.

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And Kaji, if you're good at humanoids, build humanoids, but branch out. Build rahi. Build digitgrade humanoinds. Build Vortixxes. But there is very little growth when you build Toa over and over again.




I have already.


Yeah, the last was kinda bad... I know.


But what you said I should do am I about to do. But as I said, my creativity is limited, but I am working on it, don't worry.




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DO- Copy other's designs. Learn through this copying. Learn what works

Don't- Copy DV's lower arm designs
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Why am I thinking that all of these are directed to me...


Because they are! >8O


But anyway, when I go around Reviewing, I just ignore those silly Blue pins, because, well, not all people can just go online a buy in bulk. My parents would kill me if I did that. We can't review everybody on the standard that they have ____ pieces or they can order stuff in bulk for a MOC. It's just not fair.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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I must apologize on the 'niche' thing - I realize what you mean, now.


Same here with Alchy; I can't order anything offline (plus I only have 1 black half-and-half and very few grey ones), so getting more of the older style things is just out of the question.

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So sad, too bad. If you really care about the black pins that much and ultimately making amazing non blue and red MoCs, then you would convince your parents to allowing you to spend your money on what you want on the internet.


And Kaji, two of those are still humanoids and the other only has digitigrade legs. =/

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When making large mocs:

DO make sure to stay with what looks good. If, when you starting to build away from the starting spot, it begins to look rough, cluttered, and junky. Stop building. Think smaller, or start over.


DO NOT make a large scale moc, and ignore any concept of color scheme, flow, balance or proportion. Many people believe that in a larger scale moc, the fact that it's big, means that it doesn't need a color scheme. These people ignore this basic guideline to make it bigger. Making it bigger, doesn't make it better.

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And Kaji, two of those are still humanoids and the other only has digitigrade legs. =/


And Kaji, if you're good at humanoids, build humanoids, but branch out. Build rahi. Build digitgrade humanoinds. Build Vortixxes.


Compare them to what my style is now, and you'll see what I mean.

Besides, if the last one is something, it's a Vortixx. =/




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So sad, too bad. If you really care about the black pins that much and ultimately making amazing non blue and red MoCs, then you would convince your parents to allowing you to spend your money on what you want on the internet.


And Kaji, two of those are still humanoids and the other only has digitigrade legs. =/


Thing is, I'd rather be spending my money on sets/trades or other stuff in life then to buy pieces in bulk for a MOC... I'm pretty sure others would too. =\


[-The Alchemyst-]

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And here I thought I was the only one who copied from pictures and made up details.



I agree with SHINE's post (the first one), though. It is an anarchy. If it wasn't, where would the creativity be?

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Note: Use this one, I just got a new one, and I really like this entry [you can say you won it twice if you want]


~ Velox

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