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Paranormal Shenanigans Return In New House.



Well, once again we've moved.

That makes this the SIXTH house we've lived in in this town since we came here in 2002.


Now back in Jersey, lots of stuff went on.

When we moved here, all i saw was the first day we moved in... I was walking through the house for the very first time, in the dark and trying out light switches as I made my way up.


When I got to the attic, before I found the switch, there was a giant, gaseous-looking green ball on the ceiling, it got brighter, expanded, then went up through the ceiling.


And that was it, which is a VERY strange place for me to find myself in after a lifetime of weirdness, shadow creatures, apparitions and all sorts of hardly credible junk.


A few years ago, I got a tug on my shirt while at one of the other places we were living.

And that too was it.


Well, this place seems to be different already.

My wife has weird feelings here, which, knowing her, might actually mean she's seeing A LOT more than she's actually saying. She's weird like that, as well as it being a way of obeying some "higher laws" of disclosure that I'd lose most of you on if I went too deep in explaining.


Aaaanyway, I'm sitting in my room watching Ghost Hunters (lol) and a few minutes later a ball of white light moves from one side of the closet door to the other.

No explanation.


Then the other day I was gone, over at the other house still packing up some of my stuff.

I get back at 4:30 AM and my wife and our friend are frazzled (and armed with a steak knife!) while being clearly alarmed to find I hadn't been there at 1:30 AM.

Apparently, our German Rottweiler girl Midnight went crazy barking down the hallway. Then THEY heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Our friend ran to the stairs thinking it was me... only it wasn't. In fact, it was no one!

He looked down the stairs (they're not long... maybe only about 10 steps!!!) and the footsteps were coming up them towards him!


I'll keep you guys posted as things progress.


I'm guessing they will.


Looks like the LONG streak of a "normal" life might be coming to an end for me.


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My friend used to live in a haunted house. They skidaddled as soon as they could. I only visited once and nothing happened though...

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Ew, they actually sid they left because the things going on were too much? That's sad, or just really weak f them. ...Unless of course their kids were getting hurt physically or something.


Use a Nynrah Ghostbuster.


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Who ya gonna call?





How clever. :P



Try to make them talk.


The ghosts, not your wife.

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Ew, they actually sid they left because the things going on were too much? That's sad, or just really weak f them. ...Unless of course their kids were getting hurt physically or something.


Use a Nynrah Ghostbuster.


Why would they want to live in a house with angry spirits?



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Angry or not, you're alive and they're... eh, well something else.

One's home is their castle. You shouldn't have to leave.


I see it this way too... if I was out in public and some gun-toting maniac was capping people left and right, I'd go in there regardless of what happened and try to stop them. Reason being, if you don't, you're just passing the problem onto someone else less prepared and more likely to be hurt.


It applies here, I'd say. You could move, then it'd be someone else's problem all over again. The negative energy left behind would stay the same and or have your negative experience with it tacked on to make it even more strong.

I'm just not cool with that.


If bad energy left behind in a place is what causes it to be haunted, then isn't it logical to send some of your own energy into the place to bring things to a head and possibly neutralize the situation?


There's a good chance that us living things have a pool of energy larger than the things that have been around too long.

We're strong things, us living humans.


People forget that way too often, in paranormal AND most aspects of normal, daily life.

Of course, like I said, if kids are involved, you can't expect them to always be able to handle the stress of such insanity. Moving might be the only option, however humiliating.

: /


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Yeah, guess it was the right move, considering.


Did they ever go into detail with you on what exactly was happening to them there?

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Lol. Doesn't work like that.


I have a lifetime, hours and hours of stories with no backup or no more backup than other people who were present at the same time.


Oh yes, I do plan on getting some neat devices in the future though. There's even a few devices in my head not yet created that should stabilize "proof" even better for future development of the field.


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Yeah, guess it was the right move, considering.


Did they ever go into detail with you on what exactly was happening to them there?

I don't think so... it's been a few years and my memory is a bit fuzzy.



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Went to the old house one last time to get my stuff and clean up... along for the ride was a guy who was living in here just before us.


I playfully said, "Saaaaaay theeeeere, anything straaaaange happen in the hooooooooouse we're in now?"

The guy's eyes popped wide and he was like, " I TOLD you guys I wasn't freaking crazy! THANK YOU!"


Before I'd said what we'd had happen, he described that there's disembodied footsteps (in a different part of house) as well as the attic door opening by itself (yet that could just be the act of air pressure, when another door in a house is moved).


Still, they were very happy to finally "stick it" to his friends and family who were making fun of him all this time.

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My wife has weird feelings here, which, knowing her, might actually mean she's seeing A LOT more than she's actually saying. She's weird like that, as well as it being a way of obeying some "higher laws" of disclosure that I'd lose most of you on if I went too deep in explaining.

With regard to the higher laws of disclosure thing... Man. With the stuff I've been getting into the past few months, I now live with this every day. The knowing stuff that most other people aren't ready to know... it puts me in some difficult situations for sure. How much to say, how to say it without coming off as delusional... it's quite a balancing act. Can't even blog about that stuff here, for the most part, just taking into account who the audience is and what the forum is primarily for.


I've been thinking about writing a fan fic, though, something along these lines. Not the paranormal so much, but the wider range of stuff I'm into. Crazy stuff. So much easier to get the point across in a fictional framework, where the reader is already suspending disbelief. Then you can say, you know, take this as just an entertaining story or use it as a mirror for reality, take your pick.


I've already said way too much, so I'd better stop right now. :blush:



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With regard to the higher laws of disclosure thing... Man. With the stuff I've been getting into the past few months, I now live with this every day. The knowing stuff that most other people aren't ready to know... it puts me in some difficult situations for sure. How much to say, how to say it without coming off as delusional... it's quite a balancing act.


WOAH, you actually know about what I'm talking about!?!


Is the person who can do stuff you, or someone you know?


Also, does it have a role in the events about to happen?

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No, this isn't about having any paranormal abilities, it's just knowledge at this point. As for "events about to happen," it has everything to do with what happens in the world in the next 4 1/2 years. I'll PM you.



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Never expected feedback like this from a person on BZ.

: D


Back to the "simple" stuff...

It seems that the night I was out telling the previous tenant of what went on, more stuff was happening here.

My wife already was aware of the attic door moving open by itself (I really should check to see what the latch's situation is), and the footsteps returned, this time in the attic, where the last guy heard them as well.


But another thing going on (closely timed to the footsteps) was her computer. She put it in hibernation mode.

It came out of it... twice.

To do this, you not only move the mouse, but also click on the icon to return to the desktop.


Maybe it's a program acting glitchy, but the timing makes it more curious.

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3:15 AM


More footsteps heard by all 3 of us.

A door opening by itself heard by 2 of us.


Midnight the crazy German Rottweiller finally going kookoo and barking at the stairs again.


Prior to all this I heard a growl. Was probably one of the Rotts, but it didn't quite sound like them.


Went downstairs to get a drink and noticed a decent shiver go up my spine when walking to and back from the area between the stairs and the kitchen doorway.

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Do you have a plan for healing those energy patterns?


Edit: I mean, how are you going to fix this paranormal problem? Sorry for the jargon.



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Interesting question.

The same night I was finishing up my last visit to the old house to clean it, the "new kid" helping the old man next door just walked in at 4AM because he saw I was still there.


I told him about what was up in the new house and he pointed out he hears dead things all the freaking time, knows "good" witchcraft, and him and his buddies know how to purify things as they've done it before.

(I'd say he was a numbskull for dabbling in witchcraft, but he did seem responsible enough to know about closing portals. Most people usually mess around like a blind moron stumbling around an art gallery full of fragile items, smashing their way through the front door... which they left open. He further impressed me when I discussed what it looks like on the other side of a portal. Oh, he knew.)


But he was kinda' goofy about one thing. He was WAY too gung-ho to offer to close off the things happening here.

I'm like, ...why bother sealing these things off or putting them where they should probably be? I don't have kids, so it's not like children are being tormented by them. And... it's kind of entertaining."


He kept on pushing me to let him come in and try to halt all activity (which I might add, sometimes backfires, making things worse and portals way larger), but I pointed out that no one was being hurt, nothing seemed "bad".


It's all just kind of "there". I think it's very possible so far that it's what the guys on that Ghost Hunters show refer to as a "residual haunting"... meaning it's just events playing out over and over, whether you're even there or not.


On a side note, even if things were to escalate and get crazy, a specific someone in this house could make it all stop more absolutely than a kid who read a few books lol.


If things get ugly, yeah, they'll be removed.





8:40PM -Friend sees white ball slowly drift a few feet in front of dresser drawers in front room. i pointed out lightning bugs are in season, but they swear it wasn't yellow or greenish.




11:30PM -Dog goes crazy barking at stairs, I'm already in hallway walking down. In dead silence, I hear something "shuffling" loudly on the staircase. (It was a shuffling noise, much like that of an old record skipping after it's played... but it wasn't quite that either.) Sound stops about 5 seconds after I stare down staircase.




Well now THIS is interesting. Talked to the daughter of the family that used to live here.

It seems the spot that I isolated as being "odd" on the other side of the staircase at the bottom (the likely origin of whatever goes on here) just happens to be the place that the family had stored the grandfather's ashes in his urn!


Ok, so let me get this straight:


--Our dog hears (and sees?) stuff.

--My wife hears stuff.

--Our friend hears stuff.

--One of the guys living here before us heard the same stuff.

--And I've seen lights, heard stuff and located the exact point where a dead guy's ashes rested for 8 years straight.


It's time to throw coincidence out the window, yes?

Likewise, I checked the latch on the attic door. It's totally solid. The door does not shake, rattle or accidentally pop open. Believe me, I tried to get it to do so.


So I'm guessing that the area near the bottom of the stairs has grandpa or whatever not quite understanding why these weirdos moved in and started moving furniture all around (hauntings often happen when remodeling takes place).


And then either they or some other thing is messing about in the attic and making it sound like the door's doing things when it's (probably) not.


Could be the same thing doing all these things, or 2 or possibly even more pooling their energy.

Beats me, but after talking to the woman, I'm fairly confident the "stairs" issue could be removed.


If one were to bother... :P

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Are you sure you don't have a stalker, or something? I'm not saying it can't be some sort of... phenomena, but those sort of things aren't very common. While I'm not saying that it can't be supernatural, or what have you, it could be something else, or a combination of different things.

I remember hearing "voices" before, and feeling like "someone was watching"- when I began to examine the whole situation further, I noticed that it was caused by my computer (which conducts electricity, and can lead to the feeling that someone is watching), and the fan I had in my room, which would create sounds, that sounded like voices if you listened to it for too long. Perhaps the sounds resembling someone walking is the result of animals or creatures of some sort? I used to hear "unexplained walking" as well, and then discovered it was the simple result of a cat (which my family and I now appropriately dub "Ghost Kitty") walking on our roof, which made it sound like a human being due to the roof's structure, which amplified noise.


While I'm not saying you should disregard the possibility that it may in fact be something we can't scientifically examine, you should also consider that it may be something that could be something easily solved. Try getting somebody to walk on the roof of the house, then in the attic, and compare that to what you've heard. Also note that older houses have a tendency to creak, even when unprovoked; I know because I live in one.


What I suggest you do is next time you start to hear this: you equip yourself with a video camera, and a crowbar. If it's something odd with no proven explanation, record it with the camera- if it's a human being, the crowbar part should be self explanatory. If you get "attacked" by the "orb lightning" you've been seeing, throw the crowbar at it; theoretically, it would destabilize it.


Now, as for said "orb lightning"; it is well known to exist as a natural phenomena (my mother even says she's seen it on one occasion), but the fact that you've experienced it, in an old creaky house does not mean you have a haunting. That doesn't mean you don't have one, but you should be careful that you aren't mistaking this for something else; there could be a number of different explanations, not all of them favored by popular opinion.


Try to examine and verify the situation, without bias. That's what I'm suggesting you to do. I don't mean to be harsh.

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Not harsh at all, preferred.

I've been in a lot of creepy houses and yeah, there's things that seriously sound intelligent and or just really creepy, but more often than not there ARE explanations.


Many forget that temperature changes in houses = the structure's parts bumping, grinding and snapping into each other.


But man, when you're at the top of merely 10 stairs, and you hear footsteps walking up towards you, it's hard to discount.

More so when you hear the actual "step", like the back of the foot hitting, then the front, etc etc for each step.


Like you, I have been discounting the footsteps in the attic, mainly because there's an area I KNOW squirrels could technically invade through. Still, there's quite a bit of stuff all at once here. Realize too, I've had a lifetime of this stuff, seen things, and at times, even while others were present with me.

One person seeing a finely detailed, almost solid apparition has a fun story to tell.

TWO people seeing it, well, same thing, except now it's just cooler to personally know you're not nuts lol.


I like that you bring up electromagnetic fields. They can make us think strange things are reality.

I'm thinking of getting an EMF detector, because I KNOW one or two outlets in this place are screwy, so the EMF bleeding / concentrations might be strong in certain parts of the house.


Then again, the idea that EMFs are what's making one think they're hearing things is kind of stunted when you have stairs in the middle of a hallway, with 2 different parties hearing footsteps on them from rooms on separate sides of the house.

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Have you taken into account the fact that, if ghosts or some such paranormal poltergeists or whatnot do exist in some way, they probably don't behave the way most people tend to think they do?


What if everything you think you might know is wrong?


In a totally serious way, too, I'm not joking. What if people who are dead do affect the living, but not by doing things like moving doors, or being around when only one person can see them, or making mysterious noises? What if it's beyond our realm of perception? Maybe, by you believing that these phenomena you have are ghosts, you're making them happen...what if you drop all the ideas you have and make yourself believe it's all coincidence? Will it stop? Will it get worse? (Is it worse? What's bad about it? Nobody's been hurt. Maybe this is a good thing, not only for the disputable science of the paranormal, but for you...or for the ghosts. Do you want to be a test subject after you've passed on?) Maybe you should get to know the ghosts, but devote your time to disproving what you're finding to be true!

















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