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[0.o] Contest #1: Preliminary Voting!



Welcome, viewers! If you're reading this, you're either severely off-track after meaning to click on Omi's blog, or you're anxious to get your vote in for the Comic Contest.


Unfortunately, due to the quantity of entries, I'm forced to split Hand drawn and Computer assisted and merge CA with Other. The categories are now Hand-drawn, Computer-Assisted, and Sprite.


Please remember while voting to judge all aspects of an entry. Due to the size of this contest, it has potential to become a popularity contest which should be avoided. Be fair!


The entries are as follows:



>> An LTSL comic...?


"Chapter 19: Eye of the Storm"
>> The 19th installment in the series


"K-T with T-K"
>> The member's first comic ever


>> A last-minute entry


"Debunking a Myth"
>> Note: JPG distortion accidental


"Hot To Make A Comic Panel"
>> Another last-minute entry


"Hahli's Sixth Sense"




"Bad Day"


"Bionicle Dragon's Entry"


"The Great War of Theodosia"


"Buster Sword Blues"



Here's how it works--simply make your comment look like this:


  • 1: Name of Entry
  • 2: Name of Entry
  • 3: Name of Entry

Note that the numbers should correspond to the order in which the categories are listed above.


You may NOT edit your comment. You are, however, encouraged to discuss things and talk about who you voted for and why. Happy voting!


Recommended Comments

1. Hard choice. But I'd vote for... "Yup". The shameless editing of a Dokuma comic fascinates me.

2. Again hard. But "Funtoka" wins.

3. What to do... what to do... Vote for me? Nah. I'd rather vote for "The Great War of Theodosia"

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1. How to make a comic panel

2. Darnit, all three are so good. Can I null, dear Dokky?

3. Myself. Because I can be narcissistic like that.



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1. Yup, because voteing for yourself is cool.

2. Bad Day. They're all good, but stick men are FTW.

3. The Great War of Theodosia, 'cause It's prolly the most original. BD's is great too, though.

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1. "How To Make A Comic Panel" - I like my entry!


2. "Hahli's Sixth Sense" - Those expressions are just hilarious!


3. "The Great War Of Theodosia" - The doctor was so random and funny!




Good luck to all the others! ^^



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1. Hot To Make A Comic Panel

2. Bad Day

3. The Great War of Theodosia. (lololololololololololololololololol)

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1. How to Make a Comic Panel

2. Mine

3. The Great War of Theodosia


Good luck to all.^^





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Again, editing your comment is not allowed. I have not yet determined what the proper course of action should be for this, but worst-case scenario I may have to disqualify your votes. I will let you know later what my decision is, but in the mean time, please be careful.

That's sorta nearly everyone.



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Again, editing your comment is not allowed. I have not yet determined what the proper course of action should be for this, but worst-case scenario I may have to disqualify your votes. I will let you know later what my decision is, but in the mean time, please be careful.

I don't ever remember why I edited my comment. :P

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Actually, now that I think about it, allowing/prohibiting you from editing your comment basically accomplishes nothing, so edit away. Well, don't edit away, but your vote will still be counted.


And yeah.

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1. Eye of the Storm - because I'm the only person here who knows that I'm awesome. (DARN U XAY. :mellow:)


2. Hahli's Sixth Sense - I don't know why.


3. Buster Sword Blues - Again, no idea why.


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Again, editing your comment is not allowed. I have not yet determined what the proper course of action should be for this, but worst-case scenario I may have to disqualify your votes. I will let you know later what my decision is, but in the mean time, please be careful.

But I misspelled... ;.;


Edit: Got it. >,<


MB has spoken

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