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Surrender Of Legolas



Well, I changed my name, which must mean that Arenethas won. :mellow:


The name of my blog has also changed. That was pure impulse. :D And the "Why do we fall?".... Well, we all know where that comes from. And we all know the answer.


I've just resurrected my blog after about a month of inactivity, and the last time I was here, Legolas was shiny and new. Now he's a thing of the past. And most of all, I'm sure you seriously don't feel like hearing about it. :P


So, some updates from the life of DudeNuva:


- Imperial Inspection, the latest movie from my company Legosfilm Ltd., is running into some technical difficulties, or shall we say, already has. It's getting back on track. All we need is the lines from one of our actors, to wrap up some of the awesome special effects, and work on the brand new opening titles. This'll be big, and for those of you who enjoy my films, be patient; this movie will be the best by far. ^_^


- I've actually gone back to playing Pirates of the Caribbean Online in the past few weeks, after aiming to never play again. I'm rather glad I went back. The BZPower-Only guild, named Part of the Ship, has gained half-a-dozen new members in the past month alone. :pirate:


- As we all know, this summer has been absolutely huge at the box office. In the past weeks, I've seen The Dark Knight, which was amazing; Get Smart, probably the funniest action movie ever made; The X-Files: I Want to Believe, which was a good follow-up to the series; and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, which was easily the best Mummy film to date. I recommend them all.


- I've finally bought my long-awaited Xbox 360, which is pretty awesome. Although I only have two games on it so far (Medal of Honor: Airborne and Spiderman 3), it's well worth the money. I have yet to get Xbox Live, which I seriously want to get; all of my friends are urging me to get it ASAP. :lol:


And there's other things that have been going on, too, in my life. But those are the interesting ones. XD


So there, DudeNuva's blog is back in business.


(So be quiet, Tor. :P )




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"DudeNuva the elf" would've sounded cool. :P


Now that I've got this shiny, new high-speed internet, I took the time to watch your videos. They are easily better than any stop-motion lego films I've made. Maybe some day I should post my live-action videos. I'm sure everybody here would be interested in The Adventures of Count Dooku and Mr. Bones. :P


You aimed never to go back? :blink: I do wonder why! Ever since Avohkah Tamer got me started on it I can't stop! *hyperventilates* Anyways, now I see that I'm one of your allies. :pirate: B) Just be sure you watch out for how honest I am. After all, I may do something incredibly . . . stupid. :evilgrin:


I've yet to see a single movie I'd like to this summer. Every movie I want to see has some . . . issues with it. I'm just anxious as ever to see WALL-E right now. :br:


You've got a 360 now, eh? I've been wanting to get one so bad, especially now that the price has dropped $50. And just a note in case you didn't know already (though I'm sure your friends have told you), XBox Live Silver is free. It's the Gold membership you have to pay for and which is required for just about all online gaming.


And Tor? Oh yeah! My bread buddy!


You ever gonna do something about that hat, Mr. Butter? :P





takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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"DudeNuva the elf" would've sounded cool. :P


Then he could be "That Purple Noodle Elf Dude."



takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


'Tis a super-colognomerate of past usernames. :)

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Yayz! He's back in business! *Is not listening*




Yeah.. Uh... Still no mic yet... :( And I'll be gone all this week as you know. So hopefully I'll have it by then and I can help you get it finished.



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Yayz! He's back in business! *Is not listening*




Yeah.. Uh... Still no mic yet... :( And I'll be gone all this week as you know. So hopefully I'll have it by then and I can help you get it finished.



Don't be hasty, master Meriadoc!


And yeah. Dark Knight is actually the third highest grossing film of all time, beaten only by Star Wars: A New Hope and Titanic.

And I was talking to a friend a few days ago about the third Mummy film. She said it was the worst of all three. :P


And I win.

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