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About Time For An Update...



Well hello BZP people out there! I am shocked to see that it has been nearly a month since my last blog entry! :o I think that it is high time for an update!


Ok, let's see... to start off with, the main reason that I have not been blogging (or doing much else around here) is because a) I have been doing other more important things and B) I hit one of my BZP low spots (I go in spurts of being real active and then not).


I have just finished checking up on all of the news and reading the new serials. Very nice. I have also been voting in the S&T #4 this morning (just the MoC polls, I may have time to do the others some other time). I have also been keeping up with BBCC #50, and I am still patiently awaiting for all of the entries to be submitted (can someone remind me of when the voting begins?). Aside from S&T #4 and BBCC #50, are there any other big goings on that I should know about around here? Any really good blog contests or entries to read? Now I will tell you, I have been keeping up with all of my favorite blogs and such, and I have been reading the news consistently, I just haven't been commenting or posting that much. Oh, and I updated my avatar/banner theme. What do you think?


In terms of MoCing, prior to a week ago or so ago, I had not done much at all for at least a month. I never did get around to entering S&T #4 and the MoC that I was planning on entering into Bone's blog contest never did get finished. I had built the lower half of the creature (the legs and lower torso), but then I hit a serious MoCist's block. In other words, I couldn't get an idea for either the arms or the upper torso. So, as could be expected, he just sat in my WIP box for a month. And then about a week ago I got motivated again to start building again. Thus, I pulled out my WIP and started tinkering. Lo and behold, I now have a pretty good torso and upper arms. No, he's not done yet, but you can expect to see him up on the forums within the next week or two. He was going to be a winged wolf that could stand on it's hind legs, but that may change. Color scheme is black and silver.


As to sets, I am not buying them anymore. Simply put, I am now wanting to spend my money on things that are more worth my while. Sure, I may get an occasional canister set every now and again, but for the most part, I shall only get new sets if I win them. ^_^


But what about my real life? Well, the main thing that has happened lately is that I turned 16! Yay! :D I got a nice new desk and desk chair (one of those that spin around and roll of wheels!) I also got Brisingr (the third book in the Inheritance Cycle) for pre-order, the latest Redwall book for pre-order from the same location, and the new card game, Elementeo. It is quite fun and creative, and I would recommend it to any science/chemistry lovers.


I have also doing some work for my dad outside in the effort of paying him back for my new laptop that I got at the beginning of the summer. I'm almost there! Unfortunately, the weather has been horribly hot and humid, so... yeah. Not fun. However, fortunately, it rained the day before yesterday, and as a result the weather has cooled down significantly. You know, it's really bad when you get excited about 85 degree weather! I am looking forward to getting outside this afternoon...


As to what else I have been doing, I have two projects going on. The first is I am (or should be) working on a trilogy that I am writing. Mainly I am just doing outline and thinking on the plot and storyline. The other project has to do with starting a ministry that shall be raising money for water wells in Sudan Africa. If anyone would be praying for this, that would be great (I hope that doesn't violate any BZP rules... :unsure: )


Pertaining to the subject of entertainment, I got the new LEGO Indiana Jones game a few weeks ago! And yes, it is truly a great game. The features and actions far out-strip LEGO Star Wars. The collectibles are a little more simple though (there are no gold bricks or the like). But besides that, I love the game. The story mode movies are quite funny, and the characters are just as good. So yeah, it's good.


I have also seen Batman: Dark Knight. To start off with, I give it six out of five start on acting and plot. This movie is targeted more towards a good storyline (a very complex one at that, which I love) than mind-blowing graphics and fighting scenes. The movie just might be my favorite one this summer. Sure, it's dark, but it really adds to the movie. Oh, and the Joker is like the ultimate bad-guy. The thing that makes him so bad is because he is not interested in money, power, or fame; but rather destruction and chaos, as a truly evil baddie should be. And as I said, the storyline is complex. It just keeps on going, but in a good way. So, if you haven't seen it yet, then I would encourage you to do so!


I shall wrap this up with asking you guys if you would be interested in my holding another MoCist Duels contest. This time, however, there would be only one round per duel. I am still unsatisfied with the result of the last one... Anyway, if enough of you want to do it, then I shall fire it up right away! :)


I also noticed that my blog rating has shot down significantly. It's 4.0 now. It used to be one of the higher rated ones amongst my favorite blogs list. Who did it? :angry: Jk... however, it would be nice to get it back up... (hint hint ;) ) I guess that I deserve it, what with my recent absence of activity. Ah well...


I guess that's about all... Until next time!




Recommended Comments

Happy (Late) Birthday! A rather long entry, I read most of it though. I'd like to see more MoCist Duels, and you didn't enter ST#4? Well, go to BS01, there is a MoCing contest: You have to MoC the Aqua Blaster Blade (Nuparu Mahri's Melee weapon).

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Enter my contest.
*points to banner*
You could even enter that WIP you mentioned.

Isn't Brisingr a location in Metroid...?

MOCists duel would be interesting, but sadly, I probably wouldn't be able to enter it unless the theme was build something little. I have so much tied up in my BBC entry.

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The Depressing Happy Birthday Song


Oh! Once a year we celebrate

With stupid hats and plastic plates

The fact that you were able to make

A trip around the sun!

And the whole band gathers round

And gifts & laughter do abound

And we let out a joyful sound

And sing that stupid song!


Happy Birthday! Now you’re one year older

Happy Birthday! Your life still isn’t over

Happy Birthday! You’ve not accomplished much

But you didn’t die this year

I guess that’s good enough!


Cheers to your fading health

I hope you don’t remind yourself

Your chance of finding fame and wealth

Decreases every year.

Does it feel like you’re doing laps,

Eating food, taking naps,

And hoping that someday perhaps your life will hold some cheer?


Happy Birthday! You’ve done nothing that matters!

Happy Birthday! You’re starting to get fatter!

Happy Birthday! It’s downhill from now on!

Try not to remind yourself your best years are all gone!


If cryogenics were all free

Then you could be like Walt Disney

And live for all eternity

Inside a block of ice!

But this is it, your time is set

This is the only life you get

And though it hasn’t ended yet

Sometimes you wish it might!


Happy Birthday! You wish you had more money!

Happy Birthday! Your life’s so sad it’s funny!

Happy Birthday! How much more can you take?

But your friends are hungry

So just cut the stupid cake!


Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, dear GreenBioGuy!



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Do you know, that's probably the most stupid song that I have ever heard. For the most part, everything was completely false in relation to me...


Of course I know that you were doing it to be funny (haha), but it was still rather dumb. Sorry. :(






But thanks anyway! (about the happy birthday part at the end) :lol:



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MOCists duel would be interesting

Oh, and I'll have a contest after my Challenge is over with. Happy belated birthday (being sixteen is more fun). Nice to hear about all the good stuff happening for you (I wish I had a laptop...).

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