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Chapter 2!



Guess what guise: Here's an excerpt from chapter two.



It was raining. Hard. Bionicle Rex's limo was speeding through the empty streets of the Bionicle Based Creations forum toward the center of the city.


"Hurry, will you?" said Rex to his chauffer, Crudelious. The admin leaned back in his seat trying to relax. He almost had enough evidence to convict Dimensioneer, but he still needed one last piece. He knew what it was, but he didn't' know how to get it.


There was a loud pop and the limo jerked. Crudelious pulled over and started to get out.


"It sounded like it was just a blown tire, sir. I'll have it fixed in no time."


The driver's door slamed shut. Rex looked out his window, but it was raining so heavily that it was impossible to see out.


Minutes passed. Rex got worried. It didn't take that long to change a tire. And he had never heard the trunk open, which Crudelious would have had to do to get the spare tire.


Rex decided to get out and see how it was going. As he stepped out into the rain, he regretted not bringing his rain coat.


"Crudelious? Are you almost done?"


Nothing. Rex started to walk toward the front of the limo, thinking his chauffer might be there.


He tripped over something on the ground. As he got up and brushed himself off (A fruitless task in the rain), he tried to see what it was.


It was Crudelious. Lying face down with a knife through his head.


Rex would have been worried. He wasn't. This was because he had a knife through his heart and was lying on the ground next to Crudelious.


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