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The Busy Day That's Gonna Tick Wrack Off



And boy, I know she is gonna be ticked XD


It all started out innocently enough. Around 11:30 I drop by the YMCA to workout, and while doing my jogging in between the machines, my hair keeps getting in my face- so after pulling aside after the ten billionth time, I had enough. When we got in the car, I asked mom to get my hair cut- and conviently te Rogue Trader *nerd term, don't ask* that retails all the Warhammer stuff is right next door. So I say, why not? So once all is said and done and we're at the post office *and I'm trying to refrain from murdering Xar and all his cellphone's ringtones* - I have mom take us down to ______ to get a haircut.


So, I get the haircut. Good news is, my hair is no longer betraying my identity as a boy. Bad news is, it's so short in the front that I want to stick a bag on my head. I already want my hair to grow back D;


But anyways, I get something to eat from the hotdog vender that just started recently setting up shop right in front of the Rogue Trader. So I had fun talking with him while he made the food. Another thing noting was this women in front of the store. The whole time I was here, haircut and all throughout later, she's loitering around doing things on her PSP. Was odd.


Okay, so I drop into the store and say hello to the guys working there- they recognize me as "The Necron Dude" *It should also be noted that they love Necrons- the tag behind all the Necron blister packs for ordering has in parentheses "Necrons are the best!"* - although this time they didn't realize me it was me because of my new hairdo XP


But yeah, while at first I was just skimming over all the boxes and whatnot, admiring them, I start subconciously browsing through the codexs. I'm suddenly browsing a Tau codex and asking Xar what I should choose, Imperial Gaurd or Tau. He gives me the No Contest routine. Next thing I know, I spend 30 minutes talking with... Uh... Burt, I think. I spend like, 30 minutes talking with the clerk Burt about which he liked more, Tau or Imperial Gaurd. Eventually it evolves and evolves and evolves.


Suddenly we have this intermission, though. A family dropping by is attacked by a prop- a wooden staff falls over and cold-cocks the grandma right on the head! Even more, she starts bleeding from the forehead and everyone *like, 7 people total- the family, the staff, and my mother and brother* is freaking out! Burt and I are just leaning across the table and from behind the counter watching this whole time with "O___O" faces. She turns out okay in the long run, though.


So. After all this is said and done, I find myself at the counter handing Burt a Tau battleforce, codex, and crisis battlesuits XP


Why, you say? I already have half a Tau army from a few years back, I've been playing the Tau on DoW nonstop for the past week, and what can I say? They're just cool.


So, how can things get any more interesting? Well, don't forget I brutually murdered my dad's laptop. So I have to phone up my dad outside the store *I give Burt the Tau goods and tell him to keep it on standby* ... And guess what? That fat chick with the PSP is still just wandering around in front of the store with her PSP.


So, my dad and I ring up the deal. If I can also come up with 100$ for the laptop tonight, I can also buy all these Tau using the 100$ I earned a few months back for taking care of this neighbor's really old dogs for a week.


Oh, and guess what? After buying all that- I actually hit 500$ in money spent on Warhammer, so I get a 75$ gift certificate! So I spend it on the codex, and picking up a few crisis suits! Of course, this is after spending another 10 minutes doing math with Burt- turns out my brother is using the same account as me, so we have to divide it alittle.


So, I spent around a total of 156$ today, knocking it down to just 90$ with the gift certificate. And it was a smart move, too! If I had just coughed up the whole 150$ I owe dad for the laptop, I wouldn't have had the money to buy all that AND still pay for the laptop! So everyone wins, despite the fact that now I've got no money at all!


Oh, and on the way out, I see a police officer talking to the weird phat chick with the PSP. SHE WAS STILL THERE AND THE VENDOR HAD A COP COME OVER XDXD






Recommended Comments

I read all that! :D


Sounds like a very interesting day.


-CF, who needs to get his hair cut badly too, but isn't afraid of it changing his identity.

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Sounds like you had fun =D




Also, how will this tick Wrack off? O_o


And excellent use of the "O_o" emote lol

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Also, how will this tick Wrack off? O_o

Wrack has been trying to make him get some Imperial Guardsmen, and instead of doing that, he got all those Tau. Anyways WOOT FOR TAU AND NOT IMPERIAL GUYS

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Wow, you really are dense.


The Tau are one of the most overt pop-culture references in Warhammer. They've got control of a sphere tinier then Segmentum Solar, not to mention the Imperium once rammed their way all the way to the Tau home turf only to realize the Tyranids were attacking somewhere else and abandoned the attack to go do something more important.


The Imperium is more technologically advanced then the Tau. They can power their vehicles from almost nothing, draw on a billion worlds for cheap troops, equip them with weaponry and armour that costs nothing to produce and is so easy to repair and re-arm, and can afford to throw them at the enemy as a human tide. They can even afford to destroy whole planets if they need to, not to mention their planetary assault capabilities backed up by drop-legions and some of the toughest air vehicles around. Finally, they can call on the Titan Regiments to stomp across the battlefield, immune to anything less then a starship cannon.



But your biggest mistake is assuming that I care what you pick. You're the one with the money throwing it at something I consider lacklustre. I really don't mind.


If fact, it makes me happier, so you won't get a tougher army and I can sleep easier.

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Wow, you really are dense.


The Tau are one of the most overt pop-culture references in Warhammer. They've got control of a sphere tinier then Segmentum Solar, not to mention the Imperium once rammed their way all the way to the Tau home turf only to realize the Tyranids were attacking somewhere else and abandoned the attack to go do something more important.


The Imperium is more technologically advanced then the Tau. They can power their vehicles from almost nothing, draw on a billion worlds for cheap troops, equip them with weaponry and armour that costs nothing to produce and is so easy to repair and re-arm, and can afford to throw them at the enemy as a human tide. They can even afford to destroy whole planets if they need to, not to mention their planetary assault capabilities backed up by drop-legions and some of the toughest air vehicles around. Finally, they can call on the Titan Regiments to stomp across the battlefield, immune to anything less then a starship cannon.



But your biggest mistake is assuming that I care what you pick. You're the one with the money throwing it at something I consider lacklustre. I really don't mind.


If fact, it makes me happier, so you won't get a tougher army and I can sleep easier.


*Is laughing*


I still know what I'm doing, and I still am glad that I chose Tau. Fact is, despite being a good army- the Imperial Gaurd are two things: One, they're too expensive. he fact that you need brigades of 45$ tanks to keep your men from being torn to pieces means I'm going to be blowing out twice as much money. Asmuch as I like the Imperial Gaurd, I can't afford to go spending that much. Second, as much as I like the raw millitary style, at the heart of it the Imperial Gaurd are just more Emporer zealots who are practically lining up to die.


The Tau are more fitting for me. One, I am conservative. I try to keep my troops alive as possible- if I see my guys in a nasty situation, I'm gonna pull them out of there, not have them keep on shooting and go out in a blaze of glory. The Tau are that- they have a Devilfish transport B-Line over and pick their troops up when things get nasty. The Imperial Commisars just pop a bullet in the back of one of their men's head so the others shoot even more and they ALL DIE. Second, I like speed. Sure, maybe the Imperial Gaurd is a big near-unbeatable wave of tanks of weapons, but it's too easy! I'd much rather use the Tau, who can zip around the battlefield emancipating key divisions of the enemy's forces before picking off the main force like carrion.


Third, the Tau are just cool. They're the only army that makes any real sense in Warhammer, are a very rewarding and stylish army with freaking MECHS. The Imperial Gaurd are just swarms of men unfortunate enough to get drafted or crazy enough to throw themselves into the thick of a reeking war all in the name of a corpse on a throne.


Bottom line, I still like the Imperial Gaurd- and chances are that I will infact continue an Imperial Gaurd force once my Tau are done *and the fact is with two battleforces now, I practically am already done the army XDXD* , but overall the Tau appeal to me just a liiiitttle bit more.


Oh, and about sleeping easier at night? I will get good with these guys- there's no easier or harder armies in 40K. You just need to figure out how to utilized them. So you never know when I might just be able to blow your insane Gue'la Chaos Marines back to the pit they crawled out of >:}

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there's no easier or harder armies in 40K.


Not exactly true...


Doesn't matter though in the long run, now does it? I blew out every last cent I had on the Tau, and I've got no regrets. And as I said, I can still become good with these guys. Maybe you believe that the Tau are weak- but that might be because you're used to playing the hulking Chaos Marines and you've bashed a few Tau forces yourself. Me? The very first battle I played, I lost to Tau XP


Bottom line, I'm happy with my decision, and THAT is what matters.

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*rolling on the floor laughing*

You spent...$500...on plastic miniatures?

And that's why I stopped playing Warhammer 40k (not that I ever started).


It's like the Source in my town: the...uh...source for thine nerdly materials.

I was just hanging out in the Source the other day, reading sweet, glorious comic books (Star Wars, to be exact), when some crazy nerd girls screamed "OMG!11 Tank Girl! We have to buy it!"

Scared the devil out of me.


That's where I used to buy my Warhammer crud. Maybe I'll get another Codex, for reading materials...



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*rolling on the floor laughing*

You spent...$500...on plastic miniatures?

And that's why I stopped playing Warhammer 40k (not that I ever started).


It's like the Source in my town: the...uh...source for thine nerdly materials.

I was just hanging out in the Source the other day, reading sweet, glorious comic books (Star Wars, to be exact), when some crazy nerd girls screamed "OMG!11 Tank Girl! We have to buy it!"

Scared the devil out of me.


That's where I used to buy my Warhammer crud. Maybe I'll get another Codex, for reading materials...






Do I look like the sort of flamming nerd who breaks out in giggles everytime I see something half interesting? No, I take to the hobby rather casually. A fan, but casual- not I'd be parading around cosplaying as a Necron or something.


And no, there is no way I could ever spend 500$ on Warhammer 40K all at once, I'm talking over the ages. And it just happens to be the sort of thing I'm interested in.

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*giggles* Tau aren't hard or difficult, they're Exploitable.


Static firing lines are easy to whup, you need to put the money down on Devilfishes otherwise they get ripped up.


Plus, the Mecha aren't as cool as the Dreadnoughts or the War Walkers.

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*giggles* Tau aren't hard or difficult, they're Exploitable.


Static firing lines are easy to whup, you need to put the money down on Devilfishes otherwise they get ripped up.


Plus, the Mecha aren't as cool as the Dreadnoughts or the War Walkers.


You think I don't know about that? I've been playing as them in Dawn of War for ages now- I know all about using the Devilfish XP


I won't deny that the Dreadnoughts are really bloody cool- but heck, they're ridiculously expensive and are as mobile as a giant walking brick.

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You think I don't know about that? I've been playing as them in Dawn of War for ages now- I know all about using the Devilfish XP


Yes, but your argument against IG was spending money on tanks and stuff, when you're doing the same thing here =P

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You think I don't know about that? I've been playing as them in Dawn of War for ages now- I know all about using the Devilfish XP


Yes, but your argument against IG was spending money on tanks and stuff, when you're doing the same thing here =P




I only need, like, 2 devilfish carriers! One for each squad of Fire Warriors, and this boxed set already comes with one!


Oh, and on the note of Dreadnaughts: He's gonna purge the unclean.

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