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A big thank you to Niki's Dad. : D




Intel Core 2 Duo Processor, 200GB of memory, 2GB RAM, DVD-Rom drive, WiFi, etc. (plus a 2GB flash drive and a scanner/printer/copier on top of all that).


The Graphics Card doesn't support 3-D for some reason (which means no Star Wars Battlefront for Niki D:), but STILL!


And I finally get the prettyness of Vista (and tablet compatability plus handwriting recognition, hoooooo boy : D) minus all the stuff that makes it annoying! Like Windows Defender!


I love you, Dad, you work miracles. <3


Plus I was able to fit all my music and drawings and files and everything onto the flash drive and transfer it from my folks' PC, and I'm just glad it didn't like asplode or get deleted or whatever, yeeeee. ^^




Haha school shall be most awesome. Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuuuuu Dad! : D






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Sweet. Not a Mac, eh? >> :P




No. :)


No Battlefront?






Nope. I can load the menuscreen, but when I go to actually play the game, it exits out of the program with a 'your graphics card stinks, have a nice day' error message. ><


TABLET HAND WRITING RECOGNIZER!!!! Must have! Tell me how!


Easy. Get Vista, and a tablet. Presto! : D



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TABLET HAND WRITING RECOGNIZER!!!! Must have! Tell me how!


Easy. Get Vista, and a tablet. Presto! : D



Really? I have both of those. I must try it. =O

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Then you should automatically have a tab on the righthand side of any web-browser, about halfway down on the scroll bar - it'll let you input handwritten text, convert it into basic web text, and let you insert it wherever you would normally type. : D



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SHINY... don't you wub pretty toys like that? 8D Lucky Nikira! Pity about the games though, bad cards stink. ;;


Tell me how it does, cause my own old man is lookin' for a laptop for my sister. :)

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Then you should automatically have a tab on the righthand side of any web-browser, about halfway down on the scroll bar - it'll let you input handwritten text, convert it into basic web text, and let you insert it wherever you would normally type. : D



Yeah, I do now, I just had to actually install the tablet, before I just plugged it in. :lol:


Haha, yeah that would help. xD - Niki

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I got a Vaio too ^^ It's pretty old and it was my Grandmas, but it runs and I've been wanting one forever.


Lucky duck! Vista Tablet Compatibility is awesome! I have a tablet and windows office 2007, but no vista so no compatibility ='(


Oh, well Congrats!



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Sweet. Not a Mac, eh? >> :P


Ah, tis a pitty! :P


No really, I am very glad for you! Computers are fun toys, and yet are very powerful tools. Use them well.


I am also excited for you because you are excited about College! Where are you going exactly?


And Niki likes Battlefront II? Sveetness. I do as well! ^_^ Although Star Wars: Republic Commando is my favorite PC game...



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Battlefront 2, mainly - I've been without my Battlefront disc for a while as someone else is loaning it.



Battlefront 2 completely owns the first one, anyway. What with the medals and all...



Edit: ZOMG another Republic Commando fan.


You should get it, Niki.






It wouldn't work on your compy.




I'm going now.

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Republic Commando (I do own it and I can play it on my old comp) = <3


38 and 62 = <3


Ghost Ship Level = <3 <3 <3


I stink at it on Multiplayer, though. You'd all probably kick my butt. xD



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Republic Commando (I do own it and I can play it on my old comp) = <3


38 and 62 = <3


Ghost Ship Level = <3 <3 <3


I stink at it on Multiplayer, though. You'd all probably kick my butt. xD




Yay! I second all that which you just said! Or typed... with the sole exception of the Ghost ship level. Probably my least favorite. For one thing, it really gives to the creeps at times (though that can be a thrilling thing), and I don't like the confined areas of ship. Oh, and the Scab droids drive me nuts. :wacko: Kashyyyk is probably my favorite level. You have all of the different sorts of bad guys there, not to mention the Wookies! :D


Have you ever beaten it on Hard before? I have. Twice. And it wasn't easy! You really do start to get a hang of your controls and commands after a while though. Your battle tactics strengthen and you can think faster. That really is one thing that I like about RC, it's that it is not just a shoot 'em up game, it also involves quick thinking and problem solving. Plus there is the whole teamwork aspect of the game, which I love. Not to mention the clones! Elite clones that is... B)


I myself have never played multi-player though. I should try it out sometime.



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Congratulations! New Lappies are awesome. I myself got my new toy three months ago. It seems mine is slightly better equipped with 300GB of hard-drive and 3GB Ram...^^*looks innnocent*


But I expect you to work some great magic with this machine!

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