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Er...blog Entry!

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I don't have much time left, so I'll just mention that


(1) I've got a new personal photo up,


(2) I'll write a real entry either later today or tomorrow,


(3) I like marshmallow fluff,


(4) a huge congratulations and thanks to Madame Ice Lady, Nikira, Schizo, Levhak Lah, Stubbed Toa (love that name) and Thiesan for their wonderful art,


(5) You're My Little Girl by Go Fish rocks,


(6) I can't wait to find out who gets blog of the week this week,


(7) isn't it interesting how every Blog of the Week article has always appeared in the evening except last week's,


(8) Wonderful Crazy by Katelyn Tarver rocks,


(9) I keep confusing myself with him because of his new avatar and his post color, and


(10) get off my keyboard, Duke...


Duke Duke: Hey there! It's my turn! :)




Duke Duke: I've got a story all planned out!




Duke Duke: What? Why?


You can blog tomorrow. I promise. But not today.


Duke Duke: *Sniff.* *Sniff.*


Er, I think Duke's about to throw a hissy fit. So, um, bye!


EDIT: Here's something you can't miss out on...


Anyone feel the urge to clean their teeth?


Wow, I didn't know cucumbers can help tell time...


So you can eat vegetables off a veggie plate...



:blink: The things you'll find on eBay...






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