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Lego Dc / Store Awesomeness



So yeah. I've been back from Chicago since Tuesday, and camping since Friday, and up until now... I've been busy. *coughpiratesofthecaribbeanonlinecough* :lookaround:


Okay, so Day 1, AKA last Sunday, we went to church services, then got on the road. It's a four hour trip. I had my iPod, thankfully. :D So we got to our good friends' house where we'd be staying the night. Very nice people; two daughters, 1 and 3. So cute. :P


Day 2 is the best. We got up, ate, and went towards downtown Chicago. When we got to the Lego Discovery Center, there was a HUGE line (<-- Yes, that's a link). But by the time we parked (The other side of the parking lot. >_>) the line was almost nonexistant. And since we had e-tickets or something, we got to skip the line, so it didn't matter. :D


We got in and it was AWESOME. A GIGANTIC face of Albert Einstein dominated the opening room. As well as some general-looking guy. So we got in, and the first exhibit to see was Miniland. Which is basically downtown Chicago. :D


It was so cooool... :D I'll just give you a link to the gallery; I took too many pictures. But I will highlight some awesome ones for you:




The rest you can see in the gallery. And sory about some of the picture quality; it shifted from night to day every few minutes.


Next is the Jungle Expedition. Which was pretty cool. I won't link to any pics from that. Basically it was a walkway through the jungle. I will tell you that there's a lifesize Indy in there, though. :P


After that, we came into this opening that had a big line for the dragon ride. There was Batman (Sorry 'bout yer head), Harry Potter, Hagrid, Darth Vader, R2-D2, and this guy (Don't ask me what that kid is doing, I have no idea).


The ride itself was okay. We couldn't take pictures, and I won't spoil it for anybody else who's going. I'll tell you this: It's not a roller coaster. :P


Then we went upstairs. There was a lion that had a hollowed out back that you could put your head in; we did that a few times. Then there was the Cafe, but we didn't go there until last. The first thing we did was get in line for the Lego Factory. It was geared towards littler kids, with "Professor Brick-a-Brack" talking in a high voice. XD I did get this out of it: Whoo!


Right next to that was the Spellbreaker 4D movie. Posters: Kingly, Swordly, and Wizardly. The wait was about 15 minutes (>_>), but the movie was amazing. They gave you 4D glasses, and they used wind, water, flashing lights, and "snow" to help the movie. :P


So after that, we went to the Cafe, got some food, ate, and then I went around trying to build a car for their test ramps. Except all the little kids only took several wheels and an axle and stuck 'em together, so there were none left for me. <_<


Overview of the Cafe (You can see the ramps towards the left).


Then we went to the "store". More like puny giftshop. They had Pick-a-Brick for $28 a pound! That's crazy! So I didn't get any there. They also had a few sets, but they didn't have much in the ways of selection. Like Rockoh (?) and some Mars Mission stuff. And some shirts.


THEN, we went to the Store. :D


Pure awesomeness. The first thing that really grabs your eye is the lifesize Tahu Mata. Then, as you delve deeper into this almost-fantasy, you find a parrot. And an owl. Here's HALF of the Bionicle section. General Grevious and the Millenium Falcon!


The Pick-A-Brick, of which I bought two of the large canisters. :D Here's all the pieces I got: Lego Store Purchases - A total of about 1360+ pieces for only $30 - I also got FOUR green baseplates (32 x 32) for only $20. THAT'S WHAT WE CALL A DEAL


So that's it! ^_^ I'd have camping pictures, but my camera ran out of charge before I could take any.




Recommended Comments

I wanna go. It looks like a lot of fun. ^_^

But they cheated with the miniland! It's not all Lego. <_<

I NEED to go to a Lego store. I've only been once, and it was several years ago.

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What are you gonna do with all of these? O.o


Wow, that place is awesome.


Also I think that kid by the knight model is tying his shoes. Could be wrong.



DudeNuva asked me the exact same question. XD I'm planning on using them for wall details in my next stop-motion movie.


Who's shoes? The knight's shoes? O_o




I wanna go. It looks like a lot of fun. ^_^


But they cheated with the miniland! It's not all Lego. <_<


I NEED to go to a Lego store. I've only been once, and it was several years ago.



IT IS. :br:


Yeah, well... :P




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Went to the DC Tuesday, long line. D:


It was okay, My sis and I picked up three of those Factory bricks...


The Lego Store you went to...it looks like the one in Downtown Chicago? One the third floot, through escalators?

With the yummy Chocolate cafe in the first floor?


Or is it the one in the Woodfield mall in Shaumburg?


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Went to the DC Tuesday, long line. D:


It was okay, My sis and I picked up three of those Factory bricks...


The Lego Store you went to...it looks like the one in Downtown Chicago? One the third floor, through escalators?

With the yummy Chocolate cafe in the first floor?


Or is it the one in the Woodfield mall in Shaumburg?


[-The Alchemyst-]

Yep, same here. But one of ours got scratched. D=


Yep. Third floor. I didn't see the cafe, though. XD



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For some reason I can't view the gallery. Keeps telling me there was a server error. :blink:


I saw those Tahu, Darth Vader, and R2-D2 models ages ago. Particularly at the LEGO store in Downtown Disney, California and the LEGO store at the Mall of America.


But what I found most interesting is your reaction to waiting fifteen minutes for a show that I'm assuming was just as long, more likely longer. Wait until I post my entry about the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum!


Hmm... maybe I should go do that right now...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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