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So BZP got a revamp, and only went down for a few month. Now it's back and I have to get used to all the changes!! I think the blogs got the worst of it, TBH. Although this does seem more in line with other personal blogs I've seen elsewhere on the internet, so it's probably a modern template that's cool for everybody but those of us (like me) who are so used to the old BZP / Invasion format. This new one looks like it could incorporate pictures better, so that's something I'll have to start thinking more about. So far my photo uploads have just been scenic mountain shots from various trips... but I'm boring and don't do as many of them anymore, so I'm going to need to diversify. The lost of the custom sidebars is also disappointing, but I also noticed that all the various blog tags and groupings have been trashed, so now I have 10+ years of unmarked entries, and at least a few of them were useful and will take a while to find by just scrolling thru. Anyway, as for what I did this summer... go to work and get by. I did manage to make some MOCs and attended BrickFair for the first time in three years. It was a lot of fun to hang out with folks again, although I felt a bit mellow over the weekend and didn't have a big rush rush rush to do everything. (I didn't participate in any of the official games because I was too lazy). Also didn't win anything, but my Mt. St. Helens lenticular mosaic did get nominated, which was awesome. (And also a little odd because it's a repeat MOC, but then again I didn't exactly disqualify it when I entered it in.) Outside of work and some Lego, I've played a lot of Pokémon Go and reached level 40, finally. But gosh darn it, there are still more to collect, so I'm still playing. I'm also playing the Harry Potter Wizards Unite game, but in general it is less compelling than PokeGo. The previous game I was all in on, Ingress, did an upgrade last year that totally broke the gameplay mechanics and I still haven't been able to get back into it. Which is a shame; it was fun to travel to different places and use the game as kind of a tour guide to various local art and scenic spots. I've also looked into working more on my stories, or in particular reposting them. I finally signed onto and started posting a few of my Bionicle stories. (Because, honestly BZP is not the hotspot for library posts anymore, sorry.) Not that this site is any better... I haven't looked around really hard, but the quality of the average story is pretty bad. (I mean, we all had to start somewhere, so fair is fair.) But I don't know if there's a readership for lengthy Bionicle novels. But I did start reposting one of my old popular stories, Time Disruption. (I checked on the Wayback machine and I started that story on 10-11-2003. It's also crazy that it was popular enough that I was able to find a Wayback entry for it; the Epic forum was so crowded back in the day and Wayback is spotty about archiving forums.) Anyway, after doing a editing run through, I'm still impressed with my teenage writing, even if the language is a bit more basic than what I write now... and I desperately needed an editor. Man, no wonder half the comments were about spelling and grammar errors, they were bloody everywhere! But I've started reposting that story (all 63+ chapters) and it's been getting a lot of views... so I guess people still like it. (It also doesn't focus on crazy custom characters, so I'm sure that helps.) I've also had readership of my Hero Factory story when I didn't think there was any audience for that! I've written it so far in batches for NaNoWriMo, so maybe I'll work on the final part for it this year. I've also been playing in Voltex's BZPGOT RPG on Discord for months and months now... and the activity there certainly helped when BZP went down. It's fun to play, but the Discord format is a bit easier than the forums, and I managed to get into the lore with only a few weeks (or months) of what-am-I-doing-ness. I can now see why the RPGers are the ones keeping this community alive. I've gotten a few cool Lego sets over the summer, but kind of slacked off in doing reviews and such. Last spring, my camera's charging cord vanished, making said camera unusable, so I haven't had anything to take decent review pictures with besides my phone, which is only so-so. Chocolate Frogs and I were planning to pull off a few more livestreams, but then Youtube changed the system and we haven't been able to figure out an Encoder that works, so that's been put on hold for a while. I have a backlog of sets I want to build, but haven't gotten any truly big ones... except for the Bricklink models, which I ordered back in March and received in August. The Western Saloon is an awesome design, although the instructions make it a bit difficult to distinguish between the various shades of brown. I would like to do some more reviews, either official or just generic blog posts, but I'm a combination of lazy / exhausted most of the time. Maybe I'll put together some just to test the picture capabilities of the new blog system. Anyway, here's to another long and rambling post. Honestly don't know if anybody will bother reading (did they ever?) But the post count now including blogs really upped my count; I went from 6K to 8K, so I'm guessing it was the blogs. I know in the old forums when there was a list of the most comment / most viewed / most posted of the blogs, I was in the top three (or top one, I forget) of the blog with the most entries. Not views or comments, but entries. So I like typing a lot and posting stuff nobody reads. I hope to continue hiding subliminal messages in walls of text as long as BZPower lets me! Thanks for reading, take care y'all! (yay at least the emotes stayed the same, I would be sad without my signoff)
Day 5!! Already two days before I bid my blog goodbye for a year. Sad. Well anyway, today I'm going to throw together some hodge-podge stuff. Some timeline info on the remake, some deleted scenes. Teasers for the third season will come tomorrow and Wednesday. Hope you enjoy! GENERAL NOTES ABOUT THE REMAKE Four seasons - Transport, Consequence, The Hero, CENSORED (what? I can't give you the title just yet!) Replacing The Adventures of Tahu canon (this is correct) Will obliterate The Fire Chronicles canon (Yes. As stated before, TFC and its sequel are no longer canon with the release of this comedy.) Releasing chapters weekly, at least 6-7 days apart (Besides a few monthly gaps, this remained mostly true.) PSAs, Specials, Interviews still exist (That they do.) Brutaka/Vezon storyline = main addition (Brutaka was a minor character in TAoT. Here, he's a major character along with Vezon, despite their mysterious showings so far. They'll be further explored in The Hero Tahu.) More epicomedy (Somewhat true, but a large number of chapters in this comedy have contradicted this.)Humor is mostly reserved to NAW characters (This is mostly true, however.) [*]TNTS, Narrator, Censorer, Transition Guy, Guardius, Formata, Extra Guy (Yup.) [*]No stupid romantic subplots. (Almost...) [*]Will Hero Factory appear? If so, not until S2E10. (You'll see.) [*]No fan-made characters or Nintendo storyline, besides NAW (Still remains true. Meta may be a white and gold version of Meta Knight, but he's also a part of MetaStriker so...) [*]Only Narrator ventures out of Wig Salon. (Pretty much. TSO joined him last-minute.) [*]Less extra characters; characters that appear are mainly recurring/play some major role in story (Mostly true, though I'm looking to add a few characters in The Hero Tahu.) [*]More background (YES.) [*]Lewa's dead. (Yup. This was explained.) [*]Motivation for fighting. (I mean, if you haven't seen it by now...) [*]Still needs a title (sTiLL neeDS a TiTLe) ...seriously!! Please vote for a title. Next up... UNTITLED REMAKE COMEDY PLOT TIMELINE: 2006-2011 2006 NOTE: Everything before this year has gone just as usual in the plot. The Toa Inika defeat the Piraka. The Ignika falls into Mahri Nui, and the Toa pursue it. As Teridax's essence prepares to follow them into The Cord, a hurricane destroys the Piraka Stronghold. The Piraka and Umbra are killed; as the hurricane surfaces, the leader of the Order stands in the stronghold's ruins. Helryx stops Teridax from following the Toa and forces him to form an alliance with her, or face death. Suspicious, Brutaka questions Helryx's agenda. She ignores him. Axonn sides with Helryx in agreement, without hesitation. Brutaka attacks Axonn in disagreement, but Helryx fluidly pushes Brutaka away from them, into the raging storm outside. Helryx declares an end to the Order of Mata Nui and crowns herself as empress of the Orderly Empire. Teridax officially abandons his plans and joins her, reorganizing the Brotherhood of Makuta to be an army faction under the Order. 2007 The Toa Inika transform into the Toa Mahri, fighting the Barraki in search of the Ignika, Mask of Life. Helryx and Axonn travel to Odina to ally with the Dark Hunters. They meet some of the Toa Nuva there, convincing them to abandon their mission and return to Metru Nui. Helryx effortlessly convinces the rather dumb Shadowed One to ally with them, thus gaining control of the Dark Hunter army. Teridax possesses a Maxilos robot and, following Helryx's orders, travels to the Pit jail. He kills Lesovikk, Sarda and Idris during their fight with Karzahni. Though Karzahni despises Teridax, he allies with him to stop the Mahri and join the Empire's ranks. Axonn returns to Voya Nui to lead the Voyatoran into the Nui Caves. They disappear. TSO orders a siege of Voya Nui, looting the volcano of resources and destroying all known evidence of the beings' existence on the island. Vezon comes across the unconscious Brutaka and awakens him. The two realize the Dark Hunters are attacking the island and decide to escape together. Brutaka creates a dimensional portal and they disappear through it. Axonn enters the Cord, descending to the five Toa Mahri who are preparing to destroy it. Matoro locates and swims toward the Ignika. Helryx appears, knocking Matoro unconscious. She fails to retrieve the Ignika, which falls past the void of Voya Nui into Karda Nui. The Toa Mahri ascend the Cord with the Mahritoran and destroy the Cord. Behind them, Axonn effortlessly knocks out the group, placing them into stasis tubes. He meets up with Helryx, who is lugging along Matoro in a stasis tube, and they teleport back to Daxia Fortress. Mata Nui dies. 2008 The Ignika falls into Karda Nui alone, where it sinks to the bottom of the swamp. Lewa, who is using the Great Sundial to find the Codrex, notices something fall into the water. Levitating it from the Swamp of Mystery, Lewa dons the Ignika to revive Mata Nui and dies, unbeknownst to anyone but the remaining Av-Matoran, who have no way of contacting beings outside of Karda Nui. Mata Nui is revived, but is confined within the Ignika. The mask sinks back into the swamp and lays dormant for nine years. Helryx and Axonn secure the stasis tubes in Daxia Fortress. Helryx rebuilds Teridax's old body and appoints him Assistant to Her Orderly Empress. Axonn is appointed Her Orderly Mercenary, Karzahni is appointed Her Orderly General, and TSO is appointed Her Orderly Stalwart. Helryx calls for a mass meeting in the Coliseum. She announces that Mata Nui has died despite the efforts of the Toa Mahri, but she will be leading in their stead under the Orderly Empire. Suspicious, Taka sneaks to Mangai, where he finds that the Bahrag are still imprisoned, the Great Sundial is gone, and there is no sign of Lewa's body anywhere. He returns to Metru Nui without being noticed. The remaining Toa Nuva are appointed Her Special Guard. Helryx mentions that Lewa failed to obtain the Great Sundial and was murdered alone by the Bahrag. Reunification between the Matoran/Toa/Turaga and the Makuta/Dark Hunters occurs Brutaka and Vezon arrive in the actual BIONICLE storyline, observing what could have happened if everything went as planned. Realizing the horror of Helryx's plan, they try to go back, but teleport into a different dimension… 2009 On Bara Magna, the Skrall attack the Arena Magna during the Great Tournament and destroy it.After several months of fighting, the separated tribes all surrender to the Rock Tribe. The Skrall Empire, led by Tuma, takes control of Bara Magna and dismantles the Glatorian system. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "The Adventures of Tahu" storyline. They realize how bad the writing and jokes are and get out of there. [*]Taka journeys to Artakha and tells the being about his discovery. Artakha begins to dissent against the Orderly Empire. 2010 BIONICLE ends in the real world. The story of HERO FACTORY is established in the real world, and thus becomes a part of all alternate universes.Von Nebula loses to the Alpha Team, and is jailed inside his Black Hole Staff, spiraling through black holes continuously. [*]Artakha continues to reject the ideals of the Empire. Karzahni quietly lays siege to the island, destroying its Crystal Serpents and imprisoning his brother on his own island. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "Tahu vs. Tahu," where they see Tahu Stars singing his sword. Scrambling into the basement, they meet the dual Vezon toys for a quick sip of tea before they jump to another dimension. 2011 I join BZPower on March 19th, 2011. BZPower's Forum Construction occurs. The forums return in October 2011. Defeated, Von Nebula continues to spiral through tunnels of his black hole.He finally emerges on the coffee table of the Toa Nuva meeting room in Daxia Fortress. They freak out and alert Helryx. Helryx also freaks out. Teridax rushes in and uses his shadow powers to reanimate the portal and send Von Nebula back through the black hole. [*]Aware that Artakha has been incarcerated for rebelling, Taka goes to the Turaga of Metru Nui. They have also been suspicious of the empire. He tells them to not tell any of the Toa Nuva, but Nokama tells Gali. [*]Brutaka and Vezon arrive in "Choose Your Own BIONICLE Adventure." They choose to hop another dimension. === Wow. I'm sure that provided a ton of backstory. Keep in mind that the remake takes place in 2016-2017, so there's still five years of content I've yet to reveal One more small tidbit: Deleted Scene (Tahu’s Transport, Chapter 5) Moments passed. Moments turned to minutes. Minutes passed to ten-minute increments, because the author just had to draw out the dramatic effect as long as possible. … You can’t disagree. Now, normally this is the part where Helryx has some dramatic monologue about trying to find a little droplet of water to create a geyser out of, which symbolizes how one little slice of hope can achieve success. But since this is the second time we’re retelling this story, we’re going to drag out the dramatic effect of waiting even longer. And even longer than that. You know what I don’t agree with? The fact that we managed to fix so much about what was going wrong with this comedy, yet you got more annoying. Dude. Character development. Dude. Plot > Pointless Little Banter Between The Author And His Annoying Narrator. Keep math out of this. As a droplet of water fell from a broken sewage pipe, the droplet expanded in milliseconds to create a geyser out of. === Short, but sweet. I cut that part out because it was too drawn out and too rant-y for my tastes. This would've occurred from when the crowd of Matoran, Toa and Turaga rush into Nuju's Lab to see Helryx seemingly crushed under the pile of debris to when she rises out to give her terrorizing speech and kills Nuju. Good stuff. See you all tomorrow!! Hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any thoughts why not post them below in the comments? ~Meta
When I was surfing the web, I found this. This is a very odd find. It's a Rocka Set that LEGO hasn't made. It's called Rocka Freeze Machine. I've never heard of a machine named "Freeze Machine" before. And the theme is called "Hero 6". Very Creative. It's not too interesting, but there is a Cockpit Recolor. What do you guys think about this? I would like to hear from you guys. Thanks for reading! Update: FOUND ANOTHER PHOTO These are very odd, and these could of been made last year, or this year.
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- Knock Off
- Hero Factory 2015
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Recently, NASA's Hubble Telescope set its gaze upon the planetary nebula PK 329-02.2, AKA Menzel 2. Here's the image Hubble sent back to Earth. Looks familiar, huh?
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- spherus magna
- news
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Well, I can now say I've been on TV. I volunteered to go in at 5:00 A.M. this morning to help out at my job with a local news segment to promotion purposes. (I work at an amusement park, BTW.) I was there for two hours, where ten or so other employees and myself got to ride our ferris wheel for 20 minutes straight and play one of our games, all while being filmed by the cameraman. It wasn't the most exciting time ever, but at least I got paid to appear on TV, right? If I find any videos of this, I'll link them here. Edit: And here is a link to an article that has the video of the new segment I was in. I'm the guy in the bright red t-shirt holding the stuffed robot at the end.
Just like Mata-Nui, Hapori just went to sleep for a while, because Legokuta cast a shadow of Herofactoryness upon him, or something. I'm horrible at stories. Onto the point, I did some research into the site's traffic, and found something I think you guys will find interesting, especially those who thought the site was dead. (Yee Olde Source for info: ) That's right, folks! Looks like it's confirmed that new and old members alike are flocking back to the forums in considerable numbers, as if people like me returning wasn't enough of a case in point Cant wait to see this place regrow, especially if it gets back to the levels of the glory days (was thinking of sending this to the news people as a story, but I wasn't really sure if this was news-ish enough, or if somebody already pulled up a graph like this before I returned) --Akaku: Master of Flight
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BZPower is a forum site. That being very plainly said, I took it upon myself to check over many, many, MANY forum sites and see what they were like. I looked at MINECRAFT forums, LEGO forums, even Political forums, and I am pitting them together to see which one is the best of them all. Standard forum example(News.Gov, MINECRAFT official, IGN, etc.). Post: Hey check out Bionicle 2015 its cool Post: Yea h I know I like it Post: Bonkle blonkle bonike Post: This is like the colest thing since doctor who. ! Post: Let's meet and (Censored). Post: This is the moderator. Please stop. Post: Moderator, shmoderator. Bonkle bonkle bonkle... And so on and so forth. Unfortunately for those looking for a fun, healthy site, almost everything is terrible and filthy and disgusting. Other sites, such as, are good starter sites for younger kids, but don't live up to the potential they could be. And finally, TTV forums are no where near as popular as other sites, but that's probably just because of the limit of members. Then, I ran across BZPower in 2012, and I was astounded. Not only is this the best Bionicle forum site, but it's the best Lego one, the best social one, and the best one overall. It has many members, kind, polite moderators, and a wonderful family constructed out of the members, moderators, and site staff. There are so many things to do, to say, to play, to learn, and to teach others of proper forum treatment and the long-lived history of Bionicle. We are what is holding BZPower together. It is the community that is pulling the strings, really. What we say and what we do will affect anyone who sees it or hears it. And the DNA In people's bodies is constantly changing to what's around it, so consider re-writing that dirty word into something cleaner, or that harsh statement to be a little kinder, because you don't know who's future you are changing or making better (or worse). BZPower is, at date, the most well-preserved, cleanest forum out there. Go spread the word.
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Hello and a good day to you all, BzP. Since I don't know how else to tell y'all in any other way than this, I shall announce it in this forum. If I made a mistake of sorts, please do accept my humble apologies for that. Now, on behalf of Piece Out; Bionicle Moccists, it is my pleasure to tell you that Bionicle is going to return to us in 2015. Leaked image (assuming it's legitimate) removed. -B6 This is the proof neccesary in order to conclude its return. Please share and spread the news! It was discovered by the one and only Des Desworth. He is a hero! Cheerio!
'Vampire therapy' could reverse ageing, scientists find
Scanty Demon posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1702
from the The UK Telegraph -
So here we can take about our favorite Metal Gear game, talk about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, or discuss your favorite parts and characters from the games themselves (you can even tell us the parts you hated). [Note: If this topic lasts long enough like the officials topic, this may become official. For now, it's unofficial.] My favorite would have to be Revengeance, because who doesn't love slicing up your enemies as a cyborg ninja. Also are any of you at all hate that David Hayter is not voicing Boss in this next installment?
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- Metal Gear
- discussion
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People who text constantly are more likely to be racist
Scanty Demon posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1702
Well it's a good thing I don't use twitter that much. Though some might say otherwise because of my politics . -
Well he did say he missed my random blog news snippets, so this is for Sumiki. Enjoy buddy.
This actually sounds awesome. I always liked those yoga balls.
Glad that the forums are back online. I was beginning to miss them. Anyway, to all my readers, The Legend Imploded is on indefinite hiatus. This is because Microsoft Word refuses to work on my computer and I wrote TLI on Word, so I can't access any of the chapters that I haven't posted yet or even the ones I have posted. I have no idea what's wrong with it, so until I fix it don't expect any more chapters of TLI for the foreseeable future, unfortunately. However, I may post a flash fiction story I wrote recently, although I cannot guarantee it. Just keep your eye on the Short Stories forum anyway, just in case I decide to post it. -TNTOS-
Flying Bear kills two Canadians in freak accident
Scanty Demon posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_1702
I wonder how Makura will deal with new threat. -
From the UK Guardian I think the sad thing is I think I'd fit right in.
The Taliban, they're just like you in that they hate email too sometimes. Also created twitter meme #Talibansubjectlines.
- News
- resist political
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Yep hand sanitizer, I kid you not my friends.
I just got a warning point, but the message was a thank you for the news article I sent in. So, are the warning points just used to communicate something small from Staff to Members?Thanks for answering.