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Builder Of The Season



Yessir. Anywho, I'd like it if you all would nominate who you think has been the best builder of this season (summer in the United States (June through August)). By best, I mean has consistently made decent MOCs this whole season, or they have shown vast improvement through out the season. Also, that means that the person you nominate must have posted at least three MOCs this season (the months of June through August). I will stop accepting nominations at the end of the season (August whatever it is (30th or 31st)) or the 1st of September, and will then make a decision based on how many nominations they reccieved and my personal tastes. And I'll make a nifty little banner for the winner.

BTW, you can PM me your nominations, or you can post 'em here. Feel free to ask questions.



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Anyone who entered Velox's contest built three MOCs in one month. And many of those are good.


I won't nominate myself because I wanna see if anyone knows I exist. :D


So...I nominate..


I don't know who posted three MOCs this month. Guess I could look over Velox's contest entries...

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No one good posts three MOCs a month.


That hurts, ya'know.

Because it's true?


Are you calling me a bad Mocist?




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No one good posts three MOCs a month.

But that means I'm not good. I at least think I'm pretty decent. I have posted three MOCs this month: Heretic (Aug 1st), Intimidator (Aug 4th), and This little thing-y (Aug 6th). And I have two more coming.

Also, Draco has posted three MOCs this month.

Though, most of the time, what you said is true. Very few good builders post three MOCs a month.

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I almost have three. Just need to finish my self-MoC and make something for bundalings contest.

But I'd probably nominate Draco

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No one good posts three MOCs a month.


That hurts, ya'know.

Because it's true?


Are you calling me a bad Mocist?





Yes, much lol at this whole conversation. Now really, I only consider about 15 people to be good MOCists, and only 4 people that posted here are one of them . . .



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I'm not one of them I guess, Velox.


I would like to nominate myself, but things have been fluctuating for me this month, so no.


I nominate Null.

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I'm not one of them I guess, Velox.


I would like to nominate myself, but things have been fluctuating for me this month, so no.


I nominate Null.



What makes you say that? You didn't post before I posted did you? And, just to let you know, you are one. I love your Mech MOCs, especially Bitil and Ankai.



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No one good posts three MOCs a month.

This one. Three MOCs a year, sure. Why not widen it to Builder of the Season?

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No one good posts three MOCs a month.

This one. Three MOCs a year, sure. Why not widen it to Builder of the Season?

As in like all of summer? From like June through August? Yeah, that would work.

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No one good posts three MOCs a month.


That hurts, ya'know.

Because it's true?


Are you calling me a bad Mocist?




I'm just wondering why he assumed I was referring to him.


I mean, it could be taken that way, but- ah, screw it, shouldn't try to make words have any meaning on the internet.

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