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I'm Not Leaving Bzpower



1 day until college! :o


I really shouldn't be on. I have a lot of packing to do (a lot in the next half hour so my mom thinks I've been packing all day) and about 200 pages of "Three Cups of Tea" to read (which I'll probably read half of in the car ride tomorrow.)


As for the title, I won't be on in the next few days unless I get lucky somehow and wind up finding internet connection or my laptop arrives. Hopefully I'll be back on by Saturday.


I was really hoping to take pictures of my Toa team, but that looks like it won't happen unless I get a lot done soon. But I feel it would be bad to wait until October. (I'd say "if you all don't mind" but I doubt I'll be able to see if you mind or not until it's too late for me to take pix or I got a chance to do so.)


Anyway, my internet activity will dwindle in the next few days, then spike up, then peak down due to piles of homework I'm expecting.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Comedy is the ability to make people laugh without making them puke.

-Steve Martin


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Nice quote.


Ah, college. Happens to the best of us. Have fun at college, and good luck. Let us know how it goes.

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Actually, I think I've used a laptop for pretty much 95% of the times that I've been on BZPower over the years. Pretty horrible laptops at that. It's not that bad, though you'll have to get used to searching for wifi hotspots if you don't already have your own.

Most campuses have wifi pretty much everywhere for all students, so you shouldn't have a problem. Oh, and ethernet. Ethernet is grand.

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Aaaanddd...for some reason I'm on at 11:30 at night, when I should be showering and then trying to read some more and then getting about 5 hours of sleep.


But the Lego are all packed nicely, excluding most of my Bionicle. You guys lucked out. Either out of dedication to you all and wanting to show my Toa team or my insanity, I'm bringing the team and hoping I can use somebody's camera soon.


I don't see why BZP wouldn't work on a laptop. And I'd rather spend 3 hours on the net in my room than have a librarian walk up to me at 2 in the morning asking me why I'm still on and not in bed.



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15 minutes in the library to check your mail in the afternoon beats 0 minutes in your dorm room if you don't have Internet connection there. I was offline for a week when I first moved into the dorms because I didn't have the correct cable, so I visited the library... but it's not a good substitute for obsessive BZP surfing. :P



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