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Weekly Update - 8/22

Black Six



Here we are, back for another weekly installment of BZP stuff.



This past week we've had a couple more reviews posted. Expect to see that trend increasing (as long as the other reporters and I aren't too busy with other things!). Hopefully we can get a large portion of the summer sets reviewed in the coming month or so.


Speaking of sets, a list and some pictures purported to be of 2009 sets, both Bionicle and otherwise, has appeared in various places around the Internet. As always BZPower prohibits the posting of leaked images as well as the discussion of them and other leaked information. Once there is an official announcement or official word from The Lego Company you can discuss 2009 sets. Until then if you see someone talking about them, please report it to a staff member. Thanks for your cooperation.


In other news we have an exclusive interview with current Bionicle comic artist Leigh Gallagher courtesy of BZPower Member iVahi. Be sure to give it a read as it's an interesting look at the life of a professional artist.


Finally, BrickFair, taking place outside of Washington DC is taking place in a little less than a week. You can expect to see more information about it on the front page beforehand and coverage of it during and after. It should be a great event, with at least nine BZPower Staff members in attendance (with chances of a couple more). To give you an idea of how big this year is going to be, the Bionicle Coordinator, BZP's very own Byron, aka Kopaka's Ice Engineering passed on this note to me from the event coordinator Todd:

Byron, I dunno WHAT you're doing in your department, but if everyone else did the same thing, we'd have to move BrickFair to the DC Convention center. I've got boxes and boxes here with "Byron -- Bionicle" written on them. They arrive every day, boxes, tubes and envelopes. I'm very curious to see what the Bionicle theme turns out like this year.


Yeah, it's going to be impressive.


Also, in addition to voting for the BBC Contest #50 it was recently decided that BZP will be hosting a giveaway contest at the Bionicle section. We'll have more details on that for you sometime this weekend I hope.



1. Did you draw your avatar? If not, what is it from?


2. Which is your favorite Mistika?


3. What forums do you visit mostly(for pleaure)?


4. Which is your favorite Phantoka?

1. Schizo Kaita drew my avatar quite a few years ago. There's actually a larger picture it belongs to, I just colored and cropped it.

2. Krika.

3. I often check out Promos and the News forum even when I'm not moderating.

4. Lewa.


  1. Do you know C++ well?
  2. Do you like Mountain Dew, or Sprite better?
  3. Do you like to read?
  4. Whats you main job here on Bzpower?
  5. Have you watched War of the Worlds? If so, did you enjoy it?
  6. Following the past Q, did you whatch the old or new movie? Both?
  7. Do you like the Mailbag idea?
All I have.

1. Well enough to have taken classes where I had to program in it (those classes weren't teaching C++ but expecting an existing knowledge of it) but I wouldn't say I'm a pro at it.

2. Sprite.

3. Any chance I can get. I'm reading The Ashes of Worlds by Kevin J. Anderson right now.

4. I am the News Manager and Administrator here. I make sure news gets posted and the rules are followed and try to improve the experience for everyone.

5. The remake. It was entertaining.

6. See above.

7. Of course, that's why I made it.


1) Do you think it would be a good idea to have staff interviews? Like a member interviews a staff member. It would work just like a member interview.


2) Do you think Brickfair will be awesome?


3) Is it true that two years ago you stole a camera for Brickfair purposes? :P (You don't have to answer that.)


I hope you can answer these.


1. The idea of the Member Interviews is to put you guys in the spotlight. The staff get enough attention.

2. I know it will be.

3. This is the first year Brickfair has been held, so no, definitely not.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That wraps it up for this week, I need to get going. There's a lot to do and prep before I drive down to DC this Thursday and help set everything up. I hope to see some of you there, and if not we'll provide plenty of pictures and details. Next week I'll be writing this from the convention!


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Ah, I can't go to brickfair. Maybe I could send my friend...

So you didn't see the old War of the Worlds? Shame. It was much better than the remake.

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