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Over the years, I feel it's become less fascinating.


Back in the day I relied on the promos to tell me when things came out. Heck, I didn't know about the Bohrok until I saw them on a shelf in a toy store. I truly wondered what they did and what they were. From the back of the package it looked like they had two masks even (faceplate and Krana). I didn't know how they worked until I saw a commercial.


Even the story held some mystery.


Now I'm a member on several BIONICLE sites and I know almost everything, and I know about sets long before they are released. I am also much older, so I'm able to comprehend more.


But most of the loss can be attributed to stuff like BS01, BZP, and Brickshelf. Any potential surprises are made publicly viewable for thousands before anyone has a chance to find out.


In order to preserve BIONICLE's mystic feel, steps must be taken.


It's simple: kill the Batman.



Wait, no that's not it.


In order to preserve the magic, we must destroy the internet.




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If we destroyed the internet, how would we talk to people on BZP? Messinger pigions?


The Passenger Pigeon used in WW2 is now extinct. Go look on Wikipedia.


:c: :l: :3: :8:


*Runs off to get ignika*

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Save the cheerleader, you save the Iternet



Seriously, we need to stop going to B-shelf.

Making things bankrupt and close to save the mystic feeling FTW!

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You could just avoid BS01 and some parts of BZP like the OGD.

And other internet sites with Bionicle Info.


I'm thinking of doing that, for the story, at least.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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